
Resource for ConcourseCI to send messages as a Discord webhook

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Concourse Discord Webhook Resource

Resource for ConcourseCI to send messages as a Discord webhook


Support Server


This has only been tested with ConcourseCI 7.11.2 and may not work with older versions.


Resource Type Configuration


docker.io is the default public registry, https://hub.docker.com.

  - name: discord-webhook-resource
    type: registry-image
      repository: docker.io/favware/concourse-discord-webhook-resource
      tag: latest
    check_every: 24h

Alternatively pull the image from the GitHub registry

  - name: discord-webhook-resource
    type: registry-image
      repository: ghcr.io/favware/concourse-discord-webhook-resource
      tag: latest
    check_every: 24h


The tag: latest source property is optional, as the value latest in the default.

Resource Configuration Example

To setup an incoming webhook, create it in Discord on the desired channel, then configure the URL in the resource configuration.

  • url (required) (string): The webhook URL as provided by Discord. Always in the format: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXX/ZZZZ wherein XXXX is the webhook ID and ZZZZ is the webhook token.

  • insecure: Optional. Connect to Discord insecurely - i.e. skip SSL validation. Defaults to false if not provided.

  • proxy: Optional. Connect to Discord using an HTTP(S) proxy. In the form: http://my.proxy:3128.

  • disable: Optional. Set to true to skip all messaging. Convenient for temporarily disabling notifications without editing your pipelines.


  - name: discord-notification
    type: discord-webhook-resource
    icon: chat
    check_every: 24h
      url: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXX/ZZZZ


check Step (check script): No operation

Checking for new version always returns the last timestamp-based dummy version, created when the last put step was executed on this resource.

get Step (in script): No operation

Getting a new version of this resource does nothing else that always returning the last timestamp-based dummy version, created when the last put step was executed on this resource.

put Step (out script): Sends a message to Discord.

Send message using a Discord webhook with the configured parameters. Parameters can be passed in using the params key on the put step or passed in via files.

Parameters: params

The parameters mimic the bulk of the parameters from https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook.

  • content (required) (string): The message contents (up to 2000 characters). For formatting your content see Markdown Text 101.


You can add the following parameters in your content that will be replaced with their respective ConcourseCI values:

  • ATC_EXTERNAL_URL - The external URL to your ConcourseCI instance
  • BUILD_ID - The ID of the build
  • BUILD_JOB_ID - The ID of the job
  • BUILD_JOB_NAME - The name of the job
  • BUILD_NAME - The name of the build
  • BUILD_PIPELINE_ID - The ID of the pipeline
  • BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME - The name of the pipeline
  • BUILD_TEAM_ID - The ID of the team
  • BUILD_TEAM_NAME - The name of the team To insert these values, use the following syntax: ${BUILD_ID} or $BUILD_ID
  • username (string): Override the default username of the webhook
  • avatar_url (string): Any text wanted to ultimately appear on the page as the title of the message.
  • allowed_mentions (object): Allowed mentions for the message.
    • .roles (array of strings): Roles that are allowed to be mentioned (default: []).
    • .users (array of strings): Users that are allowed to be mentioned (default: []).


Make sure to wrap these values in quotes to prevent YAML from interpreting them as numbers and performing invalid rounding operation.

  • flags (object): An object of the allowed values from message flags
    • .suppress_embeds (boolean): Do not include any embeds when serializing this message (default: false).
    • .suppress_notifications (boolean): This message will not trigger push and desktop notifications (default: false).
  • verbose (boolean): Whether to print verbose messages during the process (useful for debugging) (default: false).

Usage Examples

  - name: discord-send
      - put: discord-notification
          content: |
            Job `${BUILD_JOB_NAME}` in `${BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME}` had a result. Check it out at:
            or at:

With additional parameters

  - name: discord-send
      - put: discord-notification
          content: |
            Job `${BUILD_JOB_NAME}` in `${BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME}` had a result. Check it out at:
            or at:
          username: ConcourseCI
          avatar_url: https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community.png
              - '123456789012345678'
              - '234567890123456789'
              - '345678901234567890'
              - '456789012345678901'
            suppress_notifications: true

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Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Sapphire!
