
Primary LanguagePython


SkyQuery is a proof-of-concept platform for applications involving aerial drone video sensing, such as traffic monitoring, infrastructure inspection, and wildlife population management.

Project webpage: https://favyen.com/skyquery/


First, download the SkyQuery dataset. In the commands below, we will assume it is in /data/:

wget https://favyen.com/files/skyquery-dataset.zip
unzip skyquery-dataset.zip
mv data/ /data/

Install Python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Also setup YOLOv3 and TensorFlow, which are needed to run the car detector and pedestrian detector, respectively:

cd /path/to/skyquery3
git clone https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet
cd darknet

Detector Registration

We now need to register object detection models with the SkyQuery web platform, which we will run in a later step. This will save metadata about the models to /data/detect/X.json.

python detector/register.py pedestrians /data/data/ /data/pedestrian-model/model 1
python yolov3/register.py cars /data/data/ /data/car-model/yolov3.cfg /data/car-model/yolov3.best

Frame Alignment

Run the frame alignment script. This will input video from /data/frames/main/ along with GPS data from /data/data/align-gps.json, and produce a file describing the bounds of each frame in /data/data/align-out.json.

python preprocess_fast/main.py /data/frames/main/ /data/data/ 2

Web Platform

Now we can run the web platform. Install Go if needed:

sudo apt install golang-go

And then (note: we use Go 1.13, for newer version you may need to disable Go modules):

go get github.com/mitroadmaps/gomapinfer/common
go run ./web/ /data/data/ /data/frames/main/

You can now run the example programs in programs/ folder using the web interface (http://localhost:8080/).