Easy, Powerful, type safe and fast way for dependency injection.
- Light. 480 bytes (after minification and gzip). No dependencies.
- Easy. As easy as calling the function, no more IoC containers.
- Fast. Much faster than tsyringe and inversify.
- Safe. Typescript checking all dependencies in all modules and submodules when function is needed to be called.
- Integrated. It's just a function! You can include it everywhere you want.
- Works everywhere. Framework agnostic, Nodejs/Browser/ReactNative
import {Module} from "@favy/di";
const Hello = Module("Hello", ({name}: {name: string}) => `Hi ${name}!`);
Hello({name: "Alex"}); // Hi Alex!
Example with multiple modules:
import {Module, Live} from "@favy/di";
const Hello = Module("Hello", ({ name }: { name: string }) => `Hi ${name}!`);
type HelloLive = Live<typeof Hello>;
const Logger = Module("Logger", () => ({
log(message: string) {
type LoggerLive = Live<typeof Logger>;
const App = Module("App", ({ Hello, Logger }: HelloLive & LoggerLive) => {
App({ name: "Alex" });
// ^___Error: Argument of type '{ name: string; }' is not assignable to parameter oftype 'ModuleDeps<HelloLive & LoggerLive, true>'.
// You need to specify the dependencies of all modules
App({ Logger, Hello, name: "Alex" }); // Hi Alex!
npm install --save @favy/di
yarn add @favy/di
Easy description of the modules.
const Api = Module('Api', ({baseUrl}: {baseUrl: string}) => ({
request(path: string) {
return fetch(`${baseUrl}${path}`).then((_) => _.json());
// As easy to run as a simple function call
Api({baseUrl: 'http://localhost/'}).request("/me")
// To start, you must provide all dependencies for all modules and submodules of the correct type
Api({ abc: 123 }).request("/me")
// ^____Error: Argument of type '{ abc: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'LocalDeps<{ baseUrl: string; }, true>'.
Easy replacement of any dependencies.
const Logger = Module('Logger', ({ prefix }: { prefix: string }) => ({
log(message: string) {
console.log(`[${prefix} ${new Date().toISOString()}] ${message}`);
type LoggerLive = Live<typeof Logger>;
const App = Module('App', ({ Logger }: LoggerLive) => {
// ...
App({ Logger, prefix: 'myService' })
// [myService 2022-07-21T08:04:10.658Z] starting...
const JSONLogger = Module('JSONLogger', ({ prefix }: { prefix: string }) => ({
log(message: string) {
console.log(JSON.stringify({ prefix, dateTime: Date.now(), message }));
App({ Logger: JSONLogger, prefix: 'myService' })
// {"prefix":"myService","dateTime":1658390747811,"message":"starting..."}
const MyService = App.provide({ prefix: 'myService' });
MyService({ Logger })
//[myService 2022-07-21T08:09:13.079Z] starting...
MyService({ Logger: JSONLogger })
Dependencies can be any type, the module can return any value.
const Console = Module('Console', ({ prefix }: { prefix: string }) => ({
log(text: string) {
console.log(`${prefix} ${text}`);
type ConsoleLive = Live<typeof Console>;
// Easy to combine modules
const App = Module('App', async ({ Api }: ApiLive & ConsoleLive) => {
Console.log('Fetching me');
const res = await Api.request('/me');
// ...
// Run app
App({ Api, Console, prefix: 'Info: ',baseUrl: 'http://localhost/' });
The service is called once, no matter where it is called. You can use the .reset() method to reset the call state.
let i = 0;
const A = Service('A', ({ path }: { path: string }) => {
return `${path}${i++}`;
console.log(A({ path: 'test' }));// test0
console.log(A({ path: 'test' }));// test0
console.log(A({ path: 'test' }));// test1
console.log(A({ path: 'test' }));// test1
More examples in the folders ./examples/ and ./tests/