
Link to original repo: https://github.com/IBM/Blockchain_for_TelcoRoaming_using_IBPV2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


In this code pattern, we will be deploying a telco roaming smart contract on a Hyperledger Fabric Network created on IBM Blockchain Platform. The smart contract governs the transactions between CSPs acting as home operators and roaming partners to track the activities of mobile users on the network enabling the direct exchange of information with transactions that are immutable and executed based on a consensus model using smart contract rules.

This business network includes:

SubscriberSims: which represent a single (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number). Simply said, each SubscriberSim represents a mobile number.

CSPs: or Communication Service Providers which can act as either the Home Operator of the SubscriberSim or the Roaming Partner of the SubscriberSim.

Business network

There are four scenarios covered in this code pattern:

  1. Roaming Subscriber Identification:
    A SubscriberSim moves to a new location that is not a part of its home network. It is discovered as present in the Roaming Partner's network using the discovery function, authenticated as a Valid user using the authentication function and its calling rates are updated using the updateRate function.

  2. Roaming Subscriber Billing:
    Once the SubscriberSim has been authorized, it can make use of the Roaming Partner's network to initiate a call. callOut and callEnd functions can be used to initiate and end the call. The charges for network usage are instantaneously recorded between Home Operator and Roaming Partner based on their agreement as defined in the smart contract. callPay function is executed which calculates the charges for the call.

  3. Fraud Identification:
    A fraudulent SubscriberSim (with the same MSISDN as an existing SubscriberSim) is added. authentication function identifies the user as fraudulent and marks the SubscriberSim with isValid = Fraud in the ledger. This prevents the fraudulent SubscriberSim from initiating any calls.

  4. Overage Management:
    A roaming subscriber intiates a call. callout function is executed. The smart contract recognizes that the subscriber is potentially reaching the overage threshold. The operator notifies the subscriber about the reaching the overage threshold and specifies the potential tariff changes. The subscriber is asked to accept or deny the new charges, the subscriber's response is recorded in the ledger and future calls (including this one) are either initiated or denied based on whether the subscriber accepted or denied the overage charges. If the roaming subscriber accepted the charges, then all the future calls (including this one) will make use of the overageRate in order to calculate call charges instead of the roamingRate.

The following scripts are available in the application folder:

  1. node enrollAdmin.js - Enroll the admin specified in the config.json.
  2. node createCSPAndSim.js - create 2 CSP objects and 2 SubscriberSim objects for demoing the application.
  3. node deleteSubscriberSim.js - delete the SubscriberSim object identified by .
  4. node deleteCSP.js - delete the CSP object identified by .
  5. node createFraudSim.js - create a SubscriberSim object to demo the fraudulent sim scenario.
  6. node moveSim.js - move a SubscriberSim object identified by to the location .
  7. node callOut.js - perform an outgoing call for the SubscriberSim identified by .
  8. node callEnd.js - end an ongoing outgoing call for the SubscriberSim identified by .
  9. node getSimHistory.js - get the ledger history of (list of all updates performed on) the SUbscriberSim identified by .
  10. node queryAll.js - get the latest snapshot of all objects (CSPs and SubscriberSims) in the blockchain.

When you have completed this code pattern, you will understand how to:

  1. Package a blockchain smart contract using the IBM Blockchain Platform Extension for VS Code.
  2. Set up a Hyperledger Fabric network on IBM Blockchain Platform.
  3. Install and instantiate a smart contract package through IBM Blockchain Platform.
  4. Test the blockchain network by using NodeJS scripts that employ the Hyperledger Fabric SDK to interact with the deployed network by issuing transactions.

Audience level : Intermediate Developers

Architecture flow

Architecture diagram

  1. The Blockchain Operator clones the GitHub repo to obtain the Blockchain for Telco Roaming using IBPV2 smart contract.
  2. The Blockchain Operator uses the IBM Blockchain Platform Extension for VS Code to package the smart contract.
  3. The Blockchain Operator sets up and launches the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 service.
  4. The IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 enables the creation of a Hyperledger Fabric network onto a IBM Kubernetes Service, enabling installation and instantiation of the Blockchain for Telco Roaming using IBPV2 smart contract on the network.
  5. The User can interact with the smart contract and run NodeJS scripts such as moveSim.js, callOut.js and callEnd.js which in turn use the Fabric SDK to interact with the deployed network on IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 and issue transactions.

Included components

  • IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 gives you total control of your blockchain network with a user interface that can simplify and accelerate your journey to deploy and manage blockchain components on the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service creates a cluster of compute hosts and deploys highly available containers. A Kubernetes cluster lets you securely manage the resources that you need to quickly deploy, update, and scale applications.
  • IBM Blockchain Platform Extension for VS Code is designed to assist users in developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts - including connecting to Hyperledger Fabric environments.

Featured technologies

  • Node.js is an open source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes server-side JavaScript code.


Running the application

Follow these steps to set up and run this code pattern. The steps are described in detail below.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Package the smart contract
  3. Create IBM Cloud services
  4. Build a network
  5. Deploy Blockchain for Telco Roaming using IBPV2 Smart Contract on the network
  6. Connect application to the network
  7. Run the application

1. Clone the repo

Clone this repository in a folder your choice:

git clone https://github.com/IBM/Blockchain_for_TelcoRoaming_using_IBPV2.git

2. Package the smart contract

We will use the IBM Blockchain Platform extension on VS Code to package the smart contract.

  • Open Visual Studio code and open the contract folder from Blockchain_for_TelcoRoaming_using_IBPV2 repository that was cloned earlier. It is important that you are opening the contract folder and not the entire Blockchain_for_TelcoRoaming_using_IBPV2 directory; otherwise you will see an error that states that it doesn't understand what programming language you are using.

  • Press the F1 key to see the different VS code options. Choose IBM Blockchain Platform: Package a Smart Contract Project.

  • Click the IBM Blockchain Platform extension button on the left. This will show the packaged contracts on top and the blockchain connections on the bottom.

  • Next, right click on the packaged contract (in this case, select telcoroaming@0.0.1) to export it and choose Export Package.

  • Choose a location on your machine and save the .cds file. We will use this packaged smart contract later to deploy on the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 service.

Now, we will start setting up and configuring our Hyperledger Fabric network on the IBM Cloud.

3. Create IBM Cloud services

  • Create the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. You can find the service in the Catalog. For this code pattern, we can use the Free cluster, and give it a name. Note, that the IBM Cloud allows one instance of a free cluster which expires after 30 days. Note: it could take 20 minutes for the Kubernetes Service setup to complete.

  • After your kubernetes cluster is up and running, you can deploy your IBM Blockchain Platform on the cluster. Again - wait for the Kubernetes service to indicate it was deployed. The IBM Blockchain Platform service walks through few steps and finds your cluster on the IBM Cloud to deploy the service on.

  • Once the Blockchain Platform is deployed on the Kubernetes cluster, you can launch the console to start configuring your blockchain network.

4. Build a network

We will build a network as provided by the IBM Blockchain Platform documentation. This will include creating a channel with a single peer organization with its own MSP and CA (Certificate Authority), and an orderer organization with its own MSP and CA. We will create the respective identities to deploy peers and operate nodes.

Create your peer organization CA

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab in the left navigation and click Add Certificate Authority.
  • Click Create an IBM Cloud Certificate Authority and Next.
  • Give it a CA display name of Org1 CA and click Next.
  • Specify an CA Administrator Enroll ID of admin and CA Administrator Enroll Secret of adminpw, then click Next.
  • Review the summary and click Add Certificate Authority.

Associate the peer organization CA admin identity

  • In the Nodes tab, select the Org1 CA once it is running (indicated by the green box in the tile).
  • Click Associate identity on the CA overview panel.
  • On the side panel, select Enroll ID.
  • Provide an Enroll ID of admin and an Enroll secret of adminpw. Use the default value of Org1 CA Identity for the Identity display name.
  • Click Associate identity to add the identity into your wallet and associate the admin identity with the Org1 CA.

Use peer organization CA to register the peer and org1 admin identities

  • Select the Org1 CA Certificate Authority and ensure the admin identity that was created for the CA is visible in the table.
  • We will register an admin for our organization "org1". Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of org1admin, and Enroll Secret of org1adminpw. Set the Type for this identity as client. We can specify to Use root affiliation or uncheck this field and select from any of the affiliated organizations from the drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments field blank. Click Next.
  • We will not be adding any attributes to this user. Click Register user.
  • We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of peer1, and Enroll Secret of peer1pw. Set the Type for this identity as peer. We can specify to Use root affiliation or uncheck this field and select from any of the affiliated organizations from the drop-down list. Click Next.
  • We will not be adding any attributes to this user. Click Register user.

Create the peer organization MSP definition

  • Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
  • Enter the MSP Display name as Org1MSP and an MSP ID of Org1MSP.
  • Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created Org1 CA as the root CA for the organization.
  • Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin, org1admin and org1adminpw. Then, give the Identity name as Org1 Admin.
  • Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.

Create a peer

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab in the left navigation and click Add peer.
  • Click Create an IBM Cloud peer and then click Next.
  • Give the Peer display name as Peer Org1 and click Next.
  • On the next screen, select Org1 CA as the Certificate Authority. Then, give the Peer enroll ID and Peer enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your peer, that is, peer1, and peer1pw. Select the Organization MSP as Org1MSP, from the drop-down list and click Next.
  • Give the TLS CA enroll ID as admin, and TLS CA enroll secret as adminpw; these same values were provided as the Enroll ID and Enroll secret when we created the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. Click Next.
  • The next step is to Associate an identity with this peer to make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity Org1 Admin and click Next.
  • Review the summary and click Add peer.

Create your orderer organization CA

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab in the left navigation and click Add Certificate Authority.
  • Click Create an IBM Cloud Certificate Authority and Next.
  • Give it a CA display name of Orderer CA and click Next.
  • Specify an CA Administrator Enroll ID of admin and CA Administrator Enroll Secret of adminpw, then click Next.
  • Review the summary and click Add Certificate Authority.

Associate the orderer organization CA admin identity

  • In the Nodes tab, select the Orderer CA once it is running (indicated by the green box in the tile).
  • Click Associate identity on the CA overview panel.
  • On the side panel, select Enroll ID.
  • Provide an Enroll ID of admin and an Enroll secret of adminpw. Use the default value of Orderer CA Identity for the Identity display name.
  • Click Associate identity to add the identity into your wallet and associate the admin identity with the Orderer CA.

Use orderer organization CA to register orderer and orderer admin identities

  • Select the Orderer CA Certificate Authority and ensure the admin identity that was created for the CA is visible in the table.
  • We will register an admin for the "orderer" organization. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of ordereradmin, and Enroll Secret of ordereradminpw. Set the Type for this identity as client. We can specify to Use root affiliation or uncheck this field and select from any of the affiliated organizations from the drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments field blank. Click Next.
  • We will not be adding any attributes to this user. Click Register user.
  • We will repeat the process to create an identity of the peer. Click on the Register User button. Give an Enroll ID of orderer1, and Enroll Secret of orderer1pw. Set the Type for this identity as peer. We can specify to Use root affiliation or uncheck this field and select from any of the affiliated organizations from the drop-down list. Click Next.
  • We will not be adding any attributes to this user. Click Register user.

Create the orderer organization MSP definition

  • Navigate to the Organizations tab in the left navigation and click Create MSP definition.
  • Enter the MSP Display name as OrdererMSP and an MSP ID of OrdererMSP.
  • Under Root Certificate Authority details, specify the peer CA that we created Orderer CA as the root CA for the organization.
  • Give the Enroll ID and Enroll secret for your organization admin, ordereradmin and ordereradminpw. Then, give the Identity name as Orderer Admin.
  • Click the Generate button to enroll this identity as the admin of your organization and export the identity to the wallet. Click Export to export the admin certificates to your file system. Finally click Create MSP definition.

Create an orderer

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab in the left navigation and click Add ordering service.
  • Click Create an IBM Cloud Ordering service and then click Next.
  • Give the Ordering service display name as Orderer and click Next.
  • On the next screen, select Orderer CA as the Certificate Authority. Then, give the Ordering service enroll ID and Ordering service enroll secret for the peer identity that you created for your orderer, that is, orderer1, and orderer1pw. Select the Organization MSP as OrdererMSP, from the drop-down list and click Next.
  • Give the TLS CA enroll ID as admin, and TLS CA enroll secret as adminpw; these same values were provided as the Enroll ID and Enroll secret when we created the CA. Leave the TLS CSR hostname blank. Click Next.
  • The next step is to Associate an identity with this peer to make it the admin of your peer. Select your peer admin identity Orderer Admin and click Next.
  • Review the summary and click Add ordering service.

Add organization as Consortium Member on the orderer to transact

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab, and click on the Orderer that we created.
  • Under Consortium Members, click Add organization.
  • From the drop-down list, select Org1MSP, as this is the MSP that represents the peer's organization "Org1".
  • Click Add organization.

Create the channel

  • Navigate to the Channels tab in the left navigation and click Create channel.
  • Give the Channel name as mychannel.
  • Select the orderer you created, Orderer from the Ordering service drop-down list.
  • Under Organizations, select Org1MSP (Org1MSP) from the drop-down list to add the organization "Org1" as a member of this channel. Click Add button. Set the permissions for this member as Operator.
  • Scroll down to the Channel creator organization section and select Org1MSP (Org1MSP) from the dropdown as the Channel creator MSP and select Org1 Admin from the dropdown under Identity.
  • Click Create channel.

Join your peer to the channel

  • Click Join channel to add a peer to the channel.
  • Select your Orderer as the Ordering service and click Next.
  • Enter the name of the Channel as mychannel and click Next.
  • Next we need to select which peers should be added to the channel. In our case, we just want to add the peer we created under "Org1". Select Peer Org1 .
  • Click Join channel.

5. Deploy Blockchain for Telco Roaming using IBPV2 Smart Contract on the network

Install a smart contract

  • Navigate to the Smart contracts tab in the left navigation and click Install smart contract.
  • Browse to the location of the Blockchain for Telco Roaming using IBPV2 smart contract package file (it is probably named telcoroaming@0.0.1.cds), which we packaged earlier using the IBM Blockchain Platform extension for Visual Studio code.
  • Click on Add file and find your packaged smart contract.
  • Once the contract is uploaded, click Install smart contract.

Instantiate smart contract

  • Under Installed smart contracts, find the smart contract from the list (Note: ours is called telcoroaming) installed on our peer and click Instantiate from the overflow menu on the right side of the row.
  • On the side panel that opens, select the channel, mychannel on which to instantiate the smart contract. Click Next.
  • Select the organization members to be included in the endorsement policy. In our case, we need to select Org1MSP. Click Next.
  • We can skip the Setup private data collection step and simply click Next.
  • Leave the Function name and Arguments blank.
  • Click Instantiate.

6. Connect application to the network

Connect with sdk through connection profile

  • Scroll down to the Instantiated smart contracts section and find the "telcoroaming" contract in the list. Click on Connect with SDK from the overflow menu on the right side of the row.
  • From the dropdown for MSP for connection choose Org1MSP.
  • From the dropdown for Certificate Authority choose Org1 CA.
  • Download the connection profile by scrolling down and clicking Download Connection Profile. This will download the connection json which we will use to establish a connection between the Node.js web application and the Blockchain Network.
  • You can click Close once the download completes.

Create an application admin

  • Navigate to the Nodes tab in the left navigation, and under Certificate Authorities, choose your organization CA, Org1 CA.
  • Click on Register user.
  • Give an Enroll ID of app-admin and Enroll Secret of app-adminpw. Set the Type for this identity as client. We can specify to Use root affiliation or uncheck this field and select from any of the affiliated organizations from the drop-down list. We will leave the Maximum enrollments field blank. Click Next.
  • Under Attributes, click on Add attribute. Give attribute as hf.Registrar.Roles = *. This will allow this identity to act as a registrar and issue identities for our app. Click Add-attribute.
  • Click Register.

Update application connection profile

  • Copy the connection profile you downloaded into the fabric folder.
  • Update the config.json file with:
    • The connection json file name you downloaded.
    • The enroll id and enroll secret for your app admin, which we earlier provided as app-admin and app-adminpw respectively.
    • The orgMSP ID, which we provided as Org1MSP.
    • The caName, which can be found in your connection json file under "organization" -> "Org1MSP" -> certificateAuthorities". This would be like an IP address and a port.
    • The peerName, which can be found in your connection json file under "organization" -> "Org1MSP" -> peers". This would be like an IP address and a port.
    • The ordererName, which can be found in your connection json file under "orderers". This would be like an IP address and a port.
    • Update gateway discovery to { enabled: true, asLocalhost: false } to connect to IBM Blockchain Platform.
    "channel_name": "mychannel",
    "smart_contract_name": "telco-roaming-contract",
    "connection_file": "mychannel_telco-roaming-contract_profile.json",
    "appAdmin": "app-admin",
    "appAdminSecret": "app-adminpw",
    "orgMSPID": "Org1MSP",
    "caName": "",
    "peerName": "",
    "ordererName": "",
    "gatewayDiscovery": { "enabled": true, "asLocalhost": false }

7. Run the application

In a new terminal, navigate to the application directory:

cd Blockchain_for_TelcoRoaming_using_IBPV2/application/

Build the node dependencies:

npm install

Enroll the admin and add identity to the wallet:

Note: This creates public and private key files for the app-admin in the _idwallet folder inside the fabric folder. If a folder named "app-admin" exists in the "_idwallet" folder, then the following command will not enroll the app-admin as it already exists in the wallet. Remove the app-admin folder and then run the following command.

node enrollAdmin.js

Run the application:

  1. Set up the CSPs and SubscriberSims
node createCSPAndSim.js


Sending transaction proposal for createCSP with transaction id 8cea5159d5f4aff59189469b38c2ec4a6d310277e2af3e643453ed028ac6d050
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - createCSP for CSP_US
Found CreateCSPEvent
Sending transaction proposal for createCSP with transaction id 28cb8b7b9fe2cc86140c2578541394e02a695ca8a4504361e856e4bd2edce462
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - createCSP for CSP_EU
Found CreateCSPEvent
Sending transaction proposal for createSubscriberSim with transaction id 930be8c845bdf45c3e57e100fcbc9d8719015c28456f05aebc5e5203b447517d
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - createSubscriberSim for sim1
Found CreateSubscriberSimEvent
Sending transaction proposal for createSubscriberSim with transaction id fac80e05e6caad261a6e15129c0a980adc4ef3c008417d7bc9679dc8a8bb1e8a
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - createSubscriberSim for sim2
Found CreateSubscriberSimEvent
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id 956a9bc0f4934cbfedf0c1501838aa0b3eee3e32dc9744735accb9e5cf2c1ca6
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim1
Found AuthenticationEvent
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id bbc6a04ff4fbfe47d8636d34775fc3cff17169d92211e69446a7d755af17bba1
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim2
Found AuthenticationEvent

Two CSPs and two SubscriberSims have now been created. For both the CSPs, the createCSP function in the contract was called. Once the two CSPs were created, the two SubscriberSims were created using the createSubscriberSim function in the contract. For each of the sims, the authentication function of the contract was called next, in order to validate the SubscriberSim objects.

Once the sims have been created, the getSimHistory.js script can be used to get the ledger history for that sim. For e.g.

node getSimHistory.js sim1


Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

The Key indicates how old a particular sim's Record is. There are 2 records in the history for sim1 at this point.

  1. The record with Key = 0 shows the contents of the SubscriberSim object when the sim was first created using the createSubscriberSim function of the contract.
  2. The record with Key = 1 shows the first change made to the existing SubscriberSim record which happened when the authentication method of the contract was run. On comparing the two records, we can see that the sim's isValid property was set as Active.
  1. Move sims to new locations outside their Home Operator's coverage areas

Move sim1 to European Union

node moveSim.js sim1 European\ Union


Sending transaction proposal for moveSim with transaction id 873447b7456e7521b98d691487221d8121634253ad39abeb3a6b82c0b9e56403
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - moveSim for sim1
Found MoveEvent
Sending transaction proposal for discovery with transaction id 135fcaad963091208778f63ff353dd37a71edada088afbeb66d9795fc0dcfd5a
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - discovery for sim1
Found discovery event
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id 5ed86939f03270d38abaa0e2586444485c902a235cb70a8634a2e11ebb802fe9
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim1
Found authentication event
Sending transaction proposal for updateRate with transaction id 1205dc1019ceecc39a844bf68dcc7b2fba88bc0c7e3441a4445b12c08d8dc9ce
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - updateRate for sim1
Found updateRate event

The output here shows that the moveSim, discovery, authentication and updateRate functions of the contract were run for sim1. As before, the getSimHistory.js script can be used to get the ledger history for sim1.

node getSimHistory.js sim1


Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 3
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Two new history records (Key = 2 and Key = 3) for sim1 can be seen now in the ledger.

  1. The call to the moveSim funtion in the contract results in the changes that are seen in the record with Key = 2. The location has now been updated to European Union. Ideally the latitude and longitude should also be updated but the moveSim function does not update these right now. This has been left for the developers to work on. (If a UI is developed using for e.g. Mapbox GL then the latitude and longitude can be obtained from the API and updated in the SubscriberSim object accordingly.)
  2. The call to the discovery function in the contract does not perform any changes to the sim1 object. It simply identifies that CSP which is responsible for coverage in the area where the sim has moved. For the European Union location, the CSP responsible is identified as CSP_EU.
  3. The call to the authentication function in the contract updates the isValid property of the sim. In case of sim1, this call to authentication found that the sim is Active. Since sim1's isValid has already been set to Active, there was no need to update the sim object.
  4. The call to the updateRate function in the contract updates the isRoaming, roamingPartnerName, overageRate and roamingRate properties of the sim object. Since sim1 has successfully been moved to CSP_EU's coverage area, and since CSP_EU is not the same as sim1's homeOperator (CSP_US), the next history record (Key = 3) shows that isRoaming has been set to true, roamingPartnerName is set to CSP_EU, and the overageRate and roamingRate values are set as the overageRate and roamingRate values specified in the CSP_EU object, which is 0.75 and 1.00 respectively.

Move sim2 to United States

node moveSim.js sim2 United\ States


Sending transaction proposal for moveSim with transaction id 82431f50b5534f51ae8a5d4a7f32709e3ca107c57f57f8eedc1149fcdbe1f627
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - moveSim for sim2
Found MoveEvent
Sending transaction proposal for discovery with transaction id 670e70c77c8a19bfc93bd4ceb3a8abe094ce698c7d8c82c7f70b0cba756fdbd7
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - discovery for sim2
Found discovery event
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id 07d8f123d49ab8da1f9418e72c343e3fa71a39ddb635a0c16ec38b2281cdf88b
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim2
Found authentication event
Sending transaction proposal for updateRate with transaction id 0efbb2358510212c9d95c966a65acbb848c37848c04616fa974210682d9640e7
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - updateRate for sim2
Found updateRate event

As in case of sim1, getSimHistory.js can be called for sim2 to verify the updates to the ledger.

  1. Initiate and end calls. Also simulate overage scenario.

In a real life scenario, both callOut as well as callEnd functions require the other phone number (Sim) to be specified in addition to the sim making the call. Another assumption here is that there can only be a maximum of one ongoing call (the last call that was created using callOut.js) at any point. In a real-life scenario, multiple calls can be ongoing at the same time (by using call holding)

Run callOut.js for sim1 to initiate a call. Run callEnd.js for sim1 to end the call. Repeat these until the overage limit is reached. Two quick calls should be enough -> callOut, callEnd, callOut, callEnd. Once the overage limit is reached, the next callOut.js will cause a prompt to appear on the terminal which indicates that the sim has reached the overage limit and all future calls (including this one) will be charged at a higher rate. Select "Yes" to accept the charges and the call will be initiated. The user's response of "Yes" will be saved in the ledger (as sim1.allowOverage="true") and future runs of callOut will simply initiate calls with the higher charges. We will repeat the same process for sim2, however, once the overage limit is reached and the prompt is displayed, we will select "No" in order to deny the charges. This causes the user's response of "No" to be saved in the ledger as sim2.allowOverage=false, and as a result, this as well as all future calls will not be initiated. As in case of sim1, since the response has been stored in the ledger, the prompt will not be displayed the next time callOut.js is run.

Perform callOut and callEnd on sim1 until overageLimit is reached

node callOut.js sim1


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id e5544bdc43cf06c731378ac33f27c586a4581628cbb38bb07aa36f3d486286e8
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - verifyUser for sim1
Found VerifyUserEvent
Sending transaction proposal for setOverageFlag with transaction id ea14f1e50a8789b02b8b6ce7d9c7fcbc02e7ccc8f38e5db04eea3b234ab477fd
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - setOverageFlag for sim1
Found SetOverageFlagEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callOut with transaction id e51bd3fbcfd0de69a619754a54353a203f15ba1b5276bd33b33e9c489b8d8add
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callOut for sim1
Found CallOutEvent

The output here shows that the verifyUser, setOverageFlag, and callOut functions of the contract were run for sim1. The getSimHistory.js script can be used to get the ledger history for sim1.

node getSimHistory.js sim1


Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 3
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 4
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }
  1. The verifyUser function in the contract in turn makes the following calls:
  • checkIfFraudUser (which throws an error is the sim's isValid = Fraud
  • checkForOverage (which calculates the sum of all callCharges the sim has incurred so far, and sets the sim's overageFlag to true if this number is nearing the overageThreshold value of the sim (i.e. if the sum of callCharges + roamingRate > overageThreshold). In case of sim1, verifyUser finds that sim1 has isValid = Active and the sum of callCharges incurred so far is 0 (Since no calls have been made so far). Therefore, no update is made to the sim.
  1. The setOverageFlag function in the contract only makes updates to the sim when the sim has reached the overageThreshold (i.e. the overageFlag was set to true by the checkForOverage function) for the first time. At this point, a prompt asks the user to accept or deny the additional charges due to overage. The user's response is then stored as the allowOverage flag in the sim. In case of sim1, since the overageThreshold has not been reached, the prompt was not displayed and setOverageFlag function did not make changes to the sim1 object.
  2. The callOut function in the contract adds a new item to the callDetails array in the sim, and sets the callBegin as the current timestamp to indicate the time when the call had begun. In case of sim1, we can see that the record with Key = 4 is added to the history of the sim, wherein an item was added to the callDetails object with the current timestamp as the callBegin value.

End the call

node callEnd.js sim1


Sending transaction proposal for callEnd with transaction id d3cfb96e20e6a3a689202bb9169e67e0df65b319c30c2504bf7352139e91cc3e
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callEnd for sim1
Found CallEndEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callPay with transaction id 48eda03372377f1a9538ee07b02e7c9866119a4817e34479a3e33929bb2e8c6d
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callPay for sim1
Found CallPayEvent

The output here shows that the callEnd and callPay functions of the contract were run for sim1. Make another call to getSimHistory.js to see the ledger history for sim1.

node getSimHistory.js sim1


Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 3
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 4
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 5
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 6
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }
  1. The callEnd function in the contract ends the ongoing call by adding a callEnd timestamp to the callDetails item representing the call. This update to sim1 can be seen as part of the record with Key = 5.
  2. The callPay function in the contract calculates the callCharges for this call as the product of the time difference between the callEnd and callBegin timestamps and the roamingRate, following which it updates the sim object. The updated callCharges can be seen within the sim1 record with Key = 6.

Perform callOut and callEnd on sim1 after overageLimit is reached

node callOut.js sim1


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id 8cc7d67a2a861df7165ef6be2b1c70d3ba23b4093a61967d9b472a71f438841b
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - verifyUser for sim1
Found VerifyUserEvent
✔ The user is nearing overage limits. This call and all futher calls may incur additional charges. Do you accept? › Yes
Sending transaction proposal for setOverageFlag with transaction id 717c069325f4223b0ab4f80accfcd41b0c0048d53feacbadb6242ffbbd57c8be
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - setOverageFlag for sim1
Found SetOverageFlagEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callOut with transaction id 2bca151fc57623cb3dddca02a794484ca9a9dbe26bb2bb5fa6ef34bced65d5db
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callOut for sim1
Found CallOutEvent

Again, as before, the verifyUser, setOverageFlag and callOut functions within the contract are executed. Calling getSimHistoryjs shows us that 3 new updates were made to sim1.

node getSimHistory.js sim1
Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 3
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 4
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 5
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 6
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 7
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 8
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 9
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' },
     { callBegin: '2019-09-25T15:15:16.721Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }
  1. The verifyUser function found that sim1 has isValid = Active and the sum of callCharges incurred so far is 1.50. Since the roamingRate is 0.75, the sum of these is 2.25 which is greater than the overageThresold of 2.00. Thus, the checkForOverage function (Which is called by the verifyUser) sets the overageFlag to true as seen in sim1's history record with Key = 7.
  2. Since, the overageFlag was set to true and the allowOverage flag has not been set, the user gets a prompt to accept or deny the additional charges that will be incurred for all future calls. Since, the user accepted the changes, the setOverageFlag function in the contract updates the sim to set the allowOverage flag as true as seen in sim1's history record with Key = 8. Now that the allowOverage flag has been set, all future calls (including this one) will be made using the overageRate to calculate the callCharges (instead of the roamingRate).
  3. As before, the callOut function in the contract adds a new item to the callDetails array in the sim, and sets the callBegin as the current timestamp to indicate the time when the call had begun as seen in the record with Key = 9.
node callEnd.js sim1


Sending transaction proposal for callEnd with transaction id 9ce6f43d937e5c28e30173e2b42734a30bd1492ff9143f7bc6d902aab9e5d8a5
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callEnd for sim1
Found CallEndEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callPay with transaction id 8ffa9b330e0473cdaac2fe2c7a425eeb8bfc10c906390da80d2b0e70bb293950
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callPay for sim1
Found CallPayEvent

As before, callEnd.js makes calls to callEnd and callPay functions in the contract, each of which updates the sim object, resulting in 2 new records added to sim1's history:

node getSimHistory.js sim1
Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim1',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 3
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 4
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 5
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 6
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 7
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 8
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 9
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' },
     { callBegin: '2019-09-25T15:15:16.721Z',
       callEnd: '',
       callCharges: '' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 10
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' },
     { callBegin: '2019-09-25T15:15:16.721Z',
       callCharges: '',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T15:15:32.280Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 11
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: 'true',
   [ { callBegin: '2019-09-25T14:33:37.470Z',
       callCharges: '1.50',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T14:35:08.429Z' },
     { callBegin: '2019-09-25T15:15:16.721Z',
       callCharges: '1.00',
       callEnd: '2019-09-25T15:15:32.280Z' } ],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'true',
  isValid: 'Active',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'true',
  overageRate: '1.00',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim1',
  roamingPartnerName: 'CSP_EU',
  roamingRate: '0.75',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }
  1. The callEnd function of the contract adds the callEnd timestamp to the callDetails item representing the ongoing call as seen in sim1's history record with Key = 10.
  2. The callPay function calculates the callCharges as the product of the time difference between the callEnd and callBegin timestamps and the overageRate (since overageFlag is true, overageRate will be used for calculating callCharges instead of the roamingRate). The callCharges are then added to the callDetails item as seen in the record with Key = 11.

Perform callOut and callEnd on sim2 until overageLimit is reached

Actions similar to the ones performed on sim1 are executed on sim2 to perform calls and end them. The sim's history should show entries similar to the ones for sim1 (until the overageThreshold is reached).

node callOut.js sim2


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id e4648aed8e5a0e11820b3b5332cefc41e112cc043b3bfb51bd258ff2c461dbe9
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - verifyUser for sim2
Found VerifyUserEvent
Sending transaction proposal for setOverageFlag with transaction id f22859c45c8cf8154c2a4da63ff7b2a27fb0bc4750e23ca77363159defc15798
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - setOverageFlag for sim2
Found SetOverageFlagEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callOut with transaction id 61ea3c5b5615b86ce8d9889cb80be1d1b66b2a2dbe6df0c209fc09f94bbc8ea9
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callOut for sim2
Found CallOutEvent
node callEnd.js sim2


Sending transaction proposal for callEnd with transaction id b2a03c620d5a8baa5bf633a1f475a1e445a8acf4122b1b8b6c2d9e538362be63
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callEnd for sim2
Found CallEndEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callPay with transaction id b1d97d2563f491c915ff04f45622637687728e101936fc2aef2120e305141d9c
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - callPay for sim2
Found CallPayEvent

Perform callOut on sim2 after overageLimit is reached

Once the overageThreshold is reached for sim2 and the user is shown a prompt to accept or deny the additional charges, the user denies them, and as a result, the allowOverage flag gets set to false. This results in an error to be thrown, which indicates that no further calls can be made as the user has denied the charges. As a result, the callOut function of the contract never runs to completion and therefore, doesn't make updates to the sim object.

node callOut.js sim2


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id ad4975ea88faf0e1ebe3482a1f0a0a215c62baeed978e938383269bf3f2a8c85
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - verifyUser for sim2
Found VerifyUserEvent
✔ The user is nearing overage limits. This call and all futher calls may incur additional charges. Do you accept? › No
Sending transaction proposal for setOverageFlag with transaction id 00d2a3a40c0cebf45f4b5962a954ba919120a5f48a48360bccefaa98af01fe11
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - setOverageFlag for sim2
Found SetOverageFlagEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callOut with transaction id 4f49a2e452e31744b034b84832632b70cdd01542345ceb07417d68c66238dd5d
2019-09-19T18:51:02.923Z - warn: [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:0 - endorsement failed - Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: No further calls will be allowed as the user sim2 has reached the overage threshold and has denied the overage charges.
An unhandled rejection was found -  Endorsement has failed
node callOut.js sim2


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id ceb8b68d5966f4158c1f39b07536e3a62b82332f1472eac18ebbdb52ec72b22e
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - verifyUser for sim2
Found VerifyUserEvent
Sending transaction proposal for setOverageFlag with transaction id 7c769435277ae2a055cd205730bae03bcdf07515187dd927d92ea89974e5b6d0
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - setOverageFlag for sim2
Found SetOverageFlagEvent
Sending transaction proposal for callOut with transaction id 9f2ab913736337c23ac65baaaa3844416b66e6a08feafe3ce8917db8b176a70e
2019-09-19T18:51:15.519Z - warn: [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:0 - endorsement failed - Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: No further calls will be allowed as the user sim2 has reached the overage threshold and has denied the overage charges.
An unhandled rejection was found -  Endorsement has failed
  1. Simulate fraud user scenario.

Create fraud user

node createFraudUser.js


Sending transaction proposal for createSubscriberSim with transaction id 18a2b40e4445f12d5b1b77ff92d3ad3b166c3ca9e0679d3d9206e1968e27c27c
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - createSubscriberSim for sim3
Found CreateSubscriberSimEvent
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id 12693458eeee989a74311b95be0df598a33f77f89ae39964802982b778733654
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim3
Found AuthenticationEvent

Move fraud user to European Union

node moveSim.js sim3 European\ Union


Sending transaction proposal for moveSim with transaction id 1fde8df1d120c9830f1f90da2a35772e30659fa91beb90657865530a55df4d6f
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - moveSim for sim3
Found MoveEvent
Sending transaction proposal for discovery with transaction id abdccf82b45d31bdf917a15c894f809b75db1a77292ee3915b07f71371c8e524
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - discovery for sim3
Found discovery event
Sending transaction proposal for authentication with transaction id 7995fa4737684f9623649327aacc4ec62030084d7777f7596bf0e1162d4d0326
Transaction proposal was good
Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - 200, message - ""
Created Promise - authentication for sim3
Found authentication event
Sending transaction proposal for updateRate with transaction id eda9da745eed8c812633cd1ed726d0a4566b1e44088da1699e6991702ad5b887
2019-09-19T18:44:05.356Z - warn: [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:0 - endorsement failed - Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: This user sim3 has been marked as fraudulent because the msisdn specified by this user is already in use. No calls can be made by this user.
An unhandled rejection was found -  Endorsement has failed

Initiate a call for fraud user

node callOut.js sim3


Sending transaction proposal for verifyUser with transaction id bb93d56cad036df8155f040c5c0791b7f08b3c68bf0ad782977369d420f23392
2019-09-19T18:44:24.102Z - warn: [DiscoveryEndorsementHandler]: _build_endorse_group_member >> G0:0 - endorsement failed - Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: This user sim3 has been marked as fraudulent because the msisdn specified by this user is already in use. No calls can be made by this user.
An unhandled rejection was found -  Endorsement has failed

If we run getSimHistory.js for sim3, we can see the following records: Key = 0: As part of the call to the createFraudUser.js script, sim3 was created. Key = 1: As part of the call to the createFraudUser.js script, sim3 was authenticated and identified as a Fraud. The isValid property was updated accordingly. Key = 2: As part of the call to the moveSim.js script, sim3's location was updated to European Union. However, when authentication was run, the sim was identified as a Fraud and further updates to roamingRate, overageRate, isRoaming and roamingPartnerName were not performed. As part of the call to the callOut.js, verifyUser function is called, which on identifuing that the user is Fraud, throws an error and prevents any updates to the sim object.

node getSimHistory.js sim3


Key: 0
{ publicKey: 'sim3',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  address: 'United States',
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  location: 'United States',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  roamingRate: '',
  overageRate: '',
  callDetails: [],
  isValid: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  allowOverage: '',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 1
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Fraud',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'United States',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim3',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }

Key: 2
{ address: 'United States',
  allowOverage: '',
  callDetails: [],
  homeOperatorName: 'CSP_US',
  isRoaming: 'false',
  isValid: 'Fraud',
  latitude: '40.942746',
  location: 'European Union',
  longitude: '-74.91',
  msisdn: '4691234577',
  overageFlag: 'false',
  overageRate: '',
  overageThreshold: '2.00',
  publicKey: 'sim3',
  roamingPartnerName: '',
  roamingRate: '',
  type: 'SubscriberSim' }



This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

Apache Software License (ASL) FAQ