
/* www.Faweiz.com/radar Radar Screen Visualisation for HC-SR04 Sends sensor readings for every degree moved by the servo values sent to serial port to be picked up by Processing */

Primary LanguageProcessing


Arduino Code: https://github.com/faweiz/arduino_radar/blob/master/Arduino_radar_HC_SR04/Arduino/Arduino_radar_server_arduino/Arduino_radar_server_arduino.ino

/* www.Faweiz.com/radar Radar Screen Visualisation for HC-SR04 Sends sensor readings for every degree moved by the servo values sent to serial port to be picked up by Processing */

Processing Code: https://github.com/faweiz/arduino_radar/blob/master/Arduino_radar_HC_SR04/Processing-code/Arduino_radar_client_processing/Arduino_radar_client_processing.pde

/* www.Faweiz.com/radar Radar Screen Visualisation for Sharp HC-SR04 Maps out an area of what the HC-SR04 sees from a top down view. Takes and displays 2 readings, one left to right and one right to left. Displays an average of the 2 readings */