Ubuntu 16.04 or lower We are relying on Mahimahi to record and replay web pages. Since Mahimahi binaries are compiled for ubuntu 16.04 or lower versions, we also require a compatible OS. The following instructions are tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
Follow the instructions in TreeMatching submodule in order to install all the required dependencies for it.
Install other dependencies:
$ sudo apt install nodejs-legacy $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Download this Chrome binary which fixes an SSL issue for correct replay of warm cache scenarios:
Unzip the downloaded file and place it under mm-recording:
$ unzip mm-recording/chrome-caching.zip -d mm-recording/
From the root directory run the following:
$ npm install
Out of Alexa 500 pages dataset, we have taken www.yahoo.com as an example here. The files related to this example are under examples/yahoo. Two different versions of the same web page (www.yahoo.com) is recorded 12 hours apart, using Mahimahi. The output of mahimahi recordings at time 0 (initial) and 12-hours later (target) are stored under record/v0, record/v1 directories, respectively. These two mahimahi recordings are used as input arguments to Fawkes.
To simulate how Fawkes runs, we create a mahimahi directory (stored under replay/fawkes) which contains both Fawkes static template and dynamic patch. In order to have a fair comparison, we also create another mahimahi directory which is an almost-copy of target directory. The only difference is that we have updated the headers of all cacheable files to be cacheable for one year. This copy is stored under replay/default.
In order to create the fawkes and default directories, run the following command:
$ ./fawkes-example.sh
When replay/fawkes is replayed using Mahimahi replay tool, Fawkes static template is served instead of the default top level HTML. Fawkes static template includes a JS patcher library which requests the dynamic patch from backend. Once the dynamic patch is received (served as a part of mahimahi directory), the JS patcher applies it on the static template to create the final state of the page. To see the visual results, run:
$ ./replay.sh examples/yahoo/replay/fawkes
In order to compare it with the default response (target):
$ ./replay examples/yahoo/replay/default