
This riemann setup simply exposes a problem with forward to a tcp-client. The topology is the following:

forwarder -> backend -> dashboard

Run the stack:

docker compose up
  1. Attach to riemann-dash on forwarder : localhost:4444 query tagged "riemann" and service =~ "%queue used%".
  2. Attach to riemann-dash on dashboard : localhost:8888 same query
  3. Simulate a network lag docker compose pause backend

You should see:

  1. That the queue used on forwarder goes up quite quickly.
  2. That the metrics from forwarder disappear on dashboard
  3. That everything goes back to normal when running docker compose unpause backend

Right, async-queues do their job everything is fine.

Now repeat the experiment, but instead of pause backend do kill backend. In that case, the queue doesn't go up, and running up backend doesn't recover the metrics on the dashboard's websocket. Also, if doing pause, then kill, the queue goes up, but up doesn't make it go down again. It's like the tcp-client never recovers from a dead riemann server.


In fact, it does recover if only kill is done. However, if pause, then kill is issued - effectively simulating a dying server during an active connection, the client never recovers.


There seems to be one message transmitted to the dashboard in the latter case, just about when the queue on the forwarder is full.

Also, what is not clear to me is why the queue on the forwarder is never increasing when killing the backend. It is only increasing when pausing it (e.g. when there is an open connection). So it seems only when backend is lagging the queue is working. When dead, the queue is never used.

Apparently the one message transmitted to the dash when queue is full is only sent if max-pool-size of the forwarder is set to 2. If set to 1 it doesn't get through. Also, when 2 the queue resets to 0 whereas when 1 it stays full.

On further inspection, it's not just one message sent when queue is full, it's the full queue contents (all old messages) that's released at once !