Chinook App

Chinook is a Rails application destined to help you practice various ActiveRecord queries. It is based on this dataset, but translated to work with Rails and ActiveRecord.

Chinook doesn't currently have a user interface, but feel free to add one!



Chinook uses a PostgreSQL database. You'll need to have it installed and running.

OS X Users

Mac OS X packages

Installing PostgreSQL with Homebrew or with the are recommended.

If you're on a Mac and installed the, you might need to add the psql command to bash by inserting the following line into your .bash_profile.

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/

You can also install PGAdminIII to be able to browse your databases:

  1. Download version 1.18.1 here
  2. Once you've downloaded the .dmg, load it up and drag the PGAdmin app to your applications folder
  3. If you're on Mavericks, you'll need to right-click and "open" the app to launch it

Linux (Ubuntu) Users

Ubuntu Postgres installation

This also includes instructions on how to install PGAdminIII, which is a UI you can use to browse your databases!

Getting started

Once you've installed PostgreSQL, start by setting up the database by typing the following in your terminal:

rake db:setup

There's a lot of data to load, so instead of using seeds, we're going to manually import a SQL file with Postgres command line. This make take a moment.

psql chinook_development < chinook.sql

Once you're done loading your data, it's time to play! Fire up your Rails Console!

rails console

or for short

rails c

and it should look something like this!