
Tiny utility that converts JSON into Composables

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This library takes JSON as input and produces Jetpack Compose's Composables as output.

Development Environment

Android Studio Version Gradle Version Kotlin Version AGP

Supported Composables

  • TextFields
  • TextFields with Custom error message
  • Switches
  • Nested JSON Support
  • Pretty JSON


Latest version: Library Version

As this library is in development phase as of now, you might need an API_KEY to use this library in your project. Please reach out to @fayaz07 for API Key.

After getting the API Key, inside local.properties add the below lines.


Add the below maven tag inside settings.gradle file.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      def localProperties = new Properties()
      localProperties.load(new FileInputStream("local.properties"))

      url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/fayaz07/JCMake")
      credentials {
        username = localProperties["gpr.usr"] ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
        password = localProperties["gpr.key"] ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")

Finally, add dependency declaration inside your module's build.gradle.

dependencies {
  implementation 'dev.mfayaz:jcmake:0.0.2+1'

Examples and Demo

Demo app

User will get updates whenever any field is updated, alternatively they can pull latest updates too. The Send button in the demo screenshot will do that.

Simple JSON with nested Key-Value and Error values

  "name": "sarah",
  "age": 24,
  "phone": 9123456789,
  "weight": 60.3,
  "grade": "A",
  "active": true,
  "password": {
    "value": "password",
    "error": "password doesn't meet required criteria"
  "rollNumber": {
    "value": 83748
  "bmi": {
    "value": 23.4


Nested Level - 2

  "name": "sarah",
  "age": 24,
  "rollNumber": {
    "value": "A123"
  "marks": {
    "cgpa": 4.7


Nested Level - 3

  "name": "sarah",
  "age": 24,
  "rollNumber": {
    "value": "A123"
  "marks": {
    "cgpa": 4.7,
    "semester": {
      "sem-1-1": 4.8,
      "sem-1-2": 4.6


Nested Level - 4

  "name": "sarah",
  "age": 24,
  "rollNumber": {
    "value": "A123"
  "marks": {
    "cgpa": 4.7,
    "semester": {
      "sem-1-1": 4.8,
      "sub-1-1": {
        "sub-a": 4.7,
        "sub-b": 4.8
      "sem-1-2": 4.6,
      "sub-1-2": {
        "sub-c": 4.7,
        "sub-d": 4.8


Print JSON to UI