
Project Description

1.) Array1

  • Project's Title : Average Integer Counting
  • Project's Workflow :
    Looping the average counting from the looping value index divided by the array length continue until the limit which is less than array length reached.

Application Screenshoot

2.) Array2

  • Project's Title : Print Out an Index Array Value
  • Project's Workflow :
    Declaration of array and the contents separately. Then, prints out the array content by array_name[sequence number - 1]

Application Screenshoot

3.) Array3

  • Project's Title : Print Out an Index Array Value
    • Project's Workflow :
      Separate the looping of adding and dividing so the index after being added will be divided by the array length then looping first which is added by the next array index an divided again until the limit is false.

Application Screenshoot

4.) Array4

  • Project's Title : Multidimensional Array
    • Project's Workflow :
      Declaring two multi-dimensional array, then nested looping. inside nested looping print out the array index by the looping first also second. because it's multidimensional so the braces should be two, consist of column and row number. the looping limit is first and second loop value is smaller then one.

Application Screenshoot


  • Name : Farah Noriffat
  • Class : XI Programming I
  • Presence List Number : 13
  • NIS : 4712/1431.070
  • School : Telkom Vocational High School Malang