
Primary LanguageJavaScript

VRIFY Restful API Application

A simple application based on RESTful architecture that uses Express framework

Technical Approach & Objectives

The server is built with Node, Express and postgres and allows users to consume CRUD services on customer endpoint. It is a Http RESTful api that will response with JSON objects.

Getting Started

  1. clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install or npm i for short.
  3. Start the web server from the command line: npm run start
  • You can curl or use any http client app such as Postman to query the desired endpoints
  • Querying /customers will return a full list of customers
  • Querying /customers/<customerId> will return a single customer with address details
  • Posting into /customers will create a new customer and return a success message
  • Posting into /customers/address/:<customerId> will create a new address and return a success message
  • PUT /customers/<customerId> will update an existing customer and return a success message
  • PUT /customers/address/<customerId> will update an existing address and return a success message
  • DELETE /customers/<customerId> will delete an existing customer and all addresses related to it
  • DELETE /customers/address/<customerId> will delete an existing address

Dependencies & Troubleshooting


  • Express
  • Node 5.10.x or above
  • postgres db


In order to be able to run the app and its tests, please make sure you have these dbs created: vrify-test and vrify with customers and customer_addresses tables in each of them.

customers schema:
id: integer(pk)
name: text
customer_addresses schema:
id: integer(pk)
customer_id: integer(fk - customer.id) - on delete: cascade
postal_code: text
street_address: text
countryL text

Running Tests:

Tests are written to verify that the api endpoints are functioning as expected, they are written using Mocha framework and Chai assertion library, in order to run the tests, please use the following command:

  • npm run test