
Vim Scala IDE (VimSIde) built upon ENSIME

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim Scala IDE (VimSIde) built upon ENSIME


This is a pre-alpha release of Vimside, a Vim Scala IDE. Only a small number of all of the ENSIME capabilities have been implemented and it has only been tested against the very small Scala/Java test source project bundled with it.

I have checked the source into github primarily so that the source is somewhere other than on my local machines. I expect to continue to update the sources on github frequently, flushing out the features.

Current Supported Ensime Commands:

Start Ensime This makes sure that the current environment and Option settings are correct and then launches the Ensime backend server. The Ensime server writes a file where it puts the socket port that its client should use. Vimside reads that file, gets the port number, and provides Ensime with configuration information.

Stop Ensime There is also an autocmd that will kill the Ensime server when the user exists Vim.

Map to Omni-Code Completion in insert mode This mapping maybe overridden by the mapping is some other plugin (like a snipmate binding), So, if it does not seem to work for you list the current mappings and see what is overriding it. Very Useful.

Symbol At Point With cursor on variable, jump to the definition of its symbol. One can easily jump back and forth. The Emacs key binding uses the Meta key. In GVim I could get this to work and so in GVim the key mapping mirrors the Emacs Ensime key binding. But, with Vim in an XTerm, I could not get the Meta/Alt key to be recognized (and there is NO single place where there is a definitive, failsafe guide for getting Meta/Alt key mappings to work, so I have a different binding for Vim. Very useful. Implementations: 1

Selection Expand/Contract Select the surrounding syntactic context and easily shrink/grow the selection. Implementations: 2

Global Public Search Search for method or types through project code using space separated search terms. Useful. Implementations: 1

Hover To Symbol Place cursor (or mouse) over a variable and its Symbol will be displayed. Cute but requires frequent server polling. Implementations: 3

Open Browser Info With cursor over Scala/Java variable, type, etc. invoke the associated on-line web api documentation (if it exists). Useful. Implementations: 1

Use of Symbol At Point List all references to the symbol under the cursor. Very useful. Implementations: 1

Launch Repl Switch to the Scala interpreter, with project classes in the classpath. TBD: cut/paste code fragments into Repl. Implementations: 1

Typecheck Current File Typecheck the current file and display errors and warnings. Very useful. Implementations: 1

Typecheck All Files Typecheck the all files and display errors and warnings. Very useful. Implementations: 1

Re-Show Errors/Warnings Show all errors and warnings in the project. Very useful. Implementations: 1

Format Source Format the current Scala source file. Useful. Implementations: 1

Refactoring Rename the symbol at point. Organize imports. Extract local. Extract method. Inline local. Add import for type at point. Import suggestions Useful. Implementations: 1

Building Build the entire project. Rebuild the project incrementally. Useful. Implementations: 1

Popup Menu Bring up Popup menu with all Vimside commands (requires Forms library). Useful for folks who have not yet learned the key mappings. Implementations: 1

Browse Source Roots Directory browser of project sources (project code base). Implementations: 2

Browse Reference Source Roots Directory browser of project reference sources (Java and Scala libraries). Implementations: 2

Option Viewer/Editor Bring up the Option Viewer/Editor (requires Forms library). Lets one see all of the Vimside configurable Options and their current value. To be implemented will be an Editor allowing for the modification of some "dynamic" Options at runtime. Implementations: 1

Completions OmmiCompletions using . Very Useful. Implementations: 1

Ensime Capabilities to be Supported:

Package Inspector Inspect imported package, current file's package and the package specified in the ensime configuration ':package'.

Type Inspector Click on type and see information, Click on information and see its information. Move about Inspector history.

SBT Command-Line Switch to the sbt command-line (works for sbt projects only)

Scalex Seems to be a dead project (see: http://scalex.org/)

Run Application

Debug Application Start and run the debugger. Start and run the debugger. Set a breakpoint. Clear a breakpoint. Step. Step over. Step out. Continue from a breakpoint. Kill the debug session. Inspect the local variable at cursor. Show backtrace.

And others



One can download a zip snapshot or use a Vim plugin manager (such as VAM).


Vimside depends upon Vimproc GitHup for a C-language binding to sockets (and, thus to the Ensime server) and Vimshell GitHup for launching and managing communications with the Scala Repl.

Vimside Directory layout

After unpacking the Vimside directory layout should look like:

      " vimside code
    " data that persists between invocations of a plugin
        " examples, local test Scala/Java source tree

Intalling from Vim.org

Anyway, to get the Vimside zip file from vim.org go to http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4298 and download the latest version. Unzip it in your '.vim' or 'vimfiles' directory.

Now, Vimside depends upon Vimshell and Vimproc. It is recommended that you get the latest releases of these since they both were modified to add some support for capabilities identified while creating Vimside. They are located at: Vimproc Vimshell Download them both and unzip them.

For Vimproc, there is an additional step because it includes a C-language library. You must compile the library for your machine. Vimproc comes with a number of make-files. Pick the right one and build the library. Since Vimside is for Scala programmers, I expect that building a C-library with a supplied makefile will not be too challenging :-)

In addition, Vimside can be configured so that it can use the Vim Forms and Self libraries. The latest version of these can be gotten from github or you can get released versions from vim.org: Self Forms

For most of the Vimside commands there are associated Options that configure how the command can be used. Many such Options allow the user to run one of multiple possible implementations. In particular, there might be a "native" Vim, non-Forms-based solution and also a Forms-based solution. The Forms-based solution is built upon "native" Vim but requires the downloading of the above two libraries: Self and Forms. Each such command with multiple implementations can be configure individually to use or not use Forms.

What's more, the Forms library allows one to used a popup menu (useful if you do not know all of the Vimside key-mappings yet). And, it is expected that the package-inspector and the type-inspector will only have Forms implementations - how to do a type-inspector otherwise might be a challenge.

Intalling with vim-addon-manager (VAM)

For more information about vim-addon-manager, see vim-addon-manager and Vim-addon-manager getting started

In your .vimrc, add self as shown below:

fun SetupVAM()


  let g:vim_addon_manager = {}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources = {}


  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['self'] = {'type': 'git', 'url': 'git://github.com/megaannum/self'}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['forms'] = {'type': 'git', 'url': 'git://github.com/megaannum/forms'}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['vimproc'] = {'type': 'git', 'url': 'git://github.com/Shougo/vimproc'}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['vimshell'] = {'type': 'git', 'url': 'git://github.com/Shougo/vimshell'}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['ensime'] = {"type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/aemoncannon/ensime", "branch" : "scala-2.9"}
  let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_sources['vimside'] = {'type': 'git', 'url': 'git://github.com/megaannum/vimside'}

  let plugins = [
    \ 'self',
    \ 'forms',
    \ 'vimproc',
    \ 'vimshell',
    \ 'ensime',
    \ 'vimside'
    \ ]

  call vam#ActivateAddons(plugins,{'auto_install' : 0})


call SetupVAM()

Note that to use Vimside, the 'self' and 'forms' libraries above are optional. With the 'forms' library, Vimside supports additional features such as a popmenu of commands and the type and package inspectors (not yet implemented).

Also, when one downloads Vimproc, you MUST go into the vimproc directory and build the C-language file 'proc.c' using one of the supplied make files.

Now start Vim. You will be asked by vim-addon-manager if you would like to download and install the plugins.

Installing with pathogen

With pathogen, you just have to clone all required plugins into your ~/.vim/bundle directory. Running the following lines as a bash script will do exactly that.


declare -a repos=( 
  "-b scala-2.9 git://github.com/aemoncannon/ensime.git"

cd ~/.vim/bundle

for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
    git clone $repo 

Note that you also with pathogen have to run make on the appropriate make file inside the vimproc plugin directory.

Ensime Install

Ensime can be downloaded from https://github.com/aemoncannon/ensime and its on-line manual is at: aemoncannon.github.com/ensime/index.html/.

In addition, for ENSIME, there are pre-built releases available at: https://github.com/aemoncannon/ensime/downloads. I highly recommend getting these (Scala 2.9.2 and/or 2.10.0-RC) rather than trying to build the Ensime Scala code yourself.

Ensime is not a Vim plugin. It is a Scala program. It has to be installed and built or a pre-build version has to be used. It can be downloaded from:


One can the follow the instructions there and build it.

I have never done this. Rather, I have downloaded a pre-build bundle. One for Scala 2.9 and another for Scala 2.10.0. These can be found at:


The Ensime build directory has the following layout using ensime_2.9.2- as an example:


or ensime_2.10.0-RC3-


It is important that the value of the 'vimside-scala-version' Option agrees with the Ensime build version. For ensime_2.9.2- (the default value):

call owner.Set("vimside-scala-version", "2.9.2")

and for ensime_2.10.0-RC3-

call owner.Set("vimside-scala-version", "2.10.0")

These values can be set in 'data/vimside/options_user.vim'.

In addition, the version of Java ($JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version) in the window that runs Vim (or launched GVim) must agree with the value of the Option 'vimside-java-version'. This Option has the default value of '1.6' and can be set, again, in 'data/vimside/options_user.vim':

call owner.Set("vimside-java-version", "1.6")

Having built Ensime or downloaded a pre-built package, you must set an Option in Vimside so that Vimside can locate the script used to start the Ensime server. To set a Vimside Option, you must copy the 'example_options_user.vim' located in 'data/vimside' to a file called 'options_user.vim' and edit it.

There is two different ways to do this.

The first is to set the Option 'ensime-install-path' to the location of downloaded Ensime source. If you use the VAM plugin manager, then Ensime will be in the directory:




so you would set the Option accordingly:

call owner.Set("ensime-install-path", $HOME . "/.vim/vim-addons/ensime")


call owner.Set("ensime-install-path", $HOME . "/vimfiles/vim-addons/ensime")

If installed with pathogen, those paths are




Then depending upon the name of the build directory, which is under the 'ensime-install-path' Option value directory location, you would set the value of the Option 'ensime-dist-dir' to that directory name. For example:

call owner.Set("ensime-dist-dir", "ensime_2.9.2-")


call owner.Set("ensime-dist-dir", "ensime_2.10.0-RC3-")

Alternatively, you can specify the full path to the ensime distribution using the Option 'ensime-dist-path'. As an example, if you installed an Ensime build package in some Scala directory, you might set the Option as:

call owner.Set("ensime-dist-path", $HOME . "/scala/ensime/ensime_2.9.2-")

If you set the 'ensime-dist-path', it is checked first and if it exists it is used rather than the 'ensime-install-path' and 'ensime-dist-dir' combination.

Currently, Vimside does not support the Ensime SBT commands (yet to be implemented). When such support is created, there is an additional library, an SBT Plugin that supports integration with the ENSIME IDE: https://github.com/aemoncannon/ensime-sbt-cmd


Look at the plugin/vimside.vim file for key mappings: how to start the Ensime server and the currently supported commands.

RECOMMENDED for initial testing: To run against test Scala/Java project, first in data/vimside directory copy example_options_user.vim to options_user.vim.

> cd $HOME/.vim/data/vimside
> /bin/cp example_options_user.vim options_user.vim

Then, in options_user.vim uncomment the following two lines:

call a:option.Set("test-ensime-file-use", 1)
call a:option.Set("ensime-config-file-name", "ensime_config.vim")

This tells Vimside to use the test project code and to use the ensime_config.vim as the source for Ensime Configuration.

If one want to have one or more projects then one will most likely want to have project specific Vimside configuration capabilities. There is an Option for that.

There is a single file to configure Vimside Options under '.vim', 'data/vimside/options_user.vim'. This is sufficient if you only have a single project on your machine. But, if you have or plan to have more than one projects on your machine you might want to have project specific option configuration files. There are two Options that control this.

The first Option is: 'vimside-project-options-enabled' and if true (default is false), then Vimside will look for a configuration file with name given by the second Option: 'vimside-project-options-file-name'.

The default value of the 'vimside-project-options-file-name' Option is 'options_project.vim'.

While in the 'options_user.vim' file, an Option value is set using the 'Set' function, e.g,:

call owner.Set("vimside-scala-version", "2.9.2")

In the 'options_project.vim' file, the Option Update function must be used:

call owner.Update("vimside-scala-version", "2.10.0")

This is because "Set" can only be called once per-Option (while, 'Update' can be called any number of times).

So, in the 'options_user.vim' one might have:

call owner.Set("vimside-scala-version", "2.9.2") call owner.Set("ensime-dist-dir", "ensime_2.9.2-") call owner.Set("ensime-config-file-name", "ensime_config.vim")

in a project file there might be:

call owner.Update("vimside-scala-version", "2.10.0") call owner.Update("ensime-dist-dir", "ensime_2.10.0-RC3-") call owner.Update("ensime-config-file-name", "_ensime")

An alternative approach is to also treat the 'data/vimside/' test code as also a project, in that, it has its own 'options_project.vim' file. To do this one must do the following:

  1. In the 'options_user.vim' file enable project local options files:

    call owner.Set("vimside-project-options-enabled", 1)

While one can also uncomment/add addition option value setting, if one wants all projects to share some behavior or to set some default behavior (which can be over-ridden on a project-by-project basis), but enabling the above Option is all that is need in this file.

  1. In the 'data/vimside' directory create a 'options_project.vim' such as:

    " full path to this file let s:full_path=expand(':p')

    " full path to this file's directory let s:full_dir=fnamemodify(s:full_path, ':h')

    function! g:VimsideOptionsProjectLoad(owner) let owner = a:owner

    "-------------- " Enable logging call owner.Set("ensime-log-enabled", 1) call owner.Set("vimside-log-enabled", 1) "--------------

    "-------------- " Defined Java versions: '1.5', '1.6', '1.7' " Defined Scala versions: '2.9.2', '2.10.0' " Minor version numbers not needed " Scala version MUST match 'ensime-dist-dir' used. call owner.Set("vimside-java-version", "1.6") call owner.Set("vimside-scala-version", "2.9.2") "--------------

    "-------------- " Which build version of Ensime to use. call owner.Set("ensime-dist-dir", "ensime_2.9.2-") "--------------

    "-------------- " To run against ensime test project code " Location of test directory call owner.Set("test-ensime-file-dir", s:full_dir) " Uncomment to run against demonstration test code call owner.Set("test-ensime-file-use", 1) " The Ensime Config information is in a file called 'ensime_config.vim' call owner.Set("ensime-config-file-name", "ensime_config.vim") "--------------

    "-------------- " Vimside uses Forms library call owner.Set("forms-use", 1) "--------------

    "-------------- " Hover Options call owner.Set("vimside-hover-balloon-enabled", 0) call owner.Set("vimside-hover-term-balloon-enabled", 0) "-------------- endfunction

This will instruct Vimside to use the "test" source code and configuration files.

  1. In all your other projects on this machine, create their own project-specific 'options_project.vim' files.

This is a very flexible way of configuring Vimside.

Supported Platforms

Ought to work most everywhere


None available yet.

Acknowledgements and thanks

Aemon Cannon for writing Ensime! Daniel Spiewak has a JEdit binding to Ensime and a simply great video explaining why a true editor with Ensime is better than an Eclipse Ide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd2LV0xy9G8 MUST SEE) and usage examples (http://vimeo.com/28597033).

Jeanluc Chasseriau who wrote the python-based Envim Vim binding to Ensime: https://github.com/jlc/envim.

Sven Eigenbrodt provided the Pathogen installation information.