<img src=“http://travis-ci.org/mconf/bigbluebutton-api-ruby.png”/>¶ ↑
bigbluebutton-api-rubyThis is a ruby gem that provides access to the BigBlueButton API. For the API documentation see this page.
Basically it enables a ruby application to interact with BigBlueButton by calling ruby methods instead of HTTP requests making it a lot easier to interact with BigBlueButton. And also formats the responses to a ruby-friendly format.
Some details:
Provides methods to perform all API calls and get the responses;
Converts the XML responses to ruby hashes, that are easier to work with;
Converts the string values returned to native ruby types. For instance:
Dates are converted DateTime objects (e.g. “Thu Sep 01 17:51:42 UTC 2011”);
Response codes are converted to boolean (e.g. “SUCCESS” becomes
Deals with errors (e.g. timeouts) throwing BigBlueButtonException exceptions;
Support to multiple BigBlueButton API versions (see below).
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Supported BigBlueButton versionsThe current version of this gem supports all the following versions of BigBlueButton:
0.8: currently in the beta3 stage.
0.7: including 0.7, 0.71 and 0.71a.
Older versions:
0.64: see the branch “api-0.64”. The last version with support to 0.64 is version 0.0.10. It supports both 0.64 and 0.7.
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Supported ruby versionsTested in rubies:
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ReleasesFor a list of releases and release notes see CHANGELOG.rdoc.
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DevelopmentInformation about the development of bigbluebutton-api-ruby
can be found in our wiki.
The development of this gem is guided by the requirements of the project Mconf. To know more about it visit the project’s wiki.
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LicenseDistributed under The MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE for the latest license, valid for all versions after 0.0.4 (including it), and LICENSE_003 for version 0.0.3 and all the previous versions.
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ContactVersion 0.0.4+: Leonardo Crauss Daronco (leonardodaronco@gmail.com), GT-Mconf: Multiconference system for interoperable web and mobile @ PRAV Labs - UFRGS. Home page: www.inf.ufrgs.br/prav/gtmconf
Version 0.0.3 and below: Joe Kinsella (joe.kinsella@gmail.com), Home page: www.brownbaglunch.com/bigbluebutton