
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EarnApp API

A Python binding to interact with Earnapp dashboard API.


pip install pyEarnapp


from pyEarnapp import EarnApp

api = EarnApp(AUTH) # Initiallise the EarnApp object

To use API with proxies

from pyEarnapp import EarnApp

api = EarnApp(AUTH)
proxy_conf = {
        'http': socks5://username:password@ipaddress:port,
        'https': socks5://username:password@ipaddress:port,
earning_info = api.get_user_data(proxies=proxy_conf)

All additional arguements are passed on to the requests.method call.


  1. Get information about the user.

    • Returns an object of type UserData with the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      first_name User's first name
      last_name User's last name
      name User's full name
      email User's login email
      onboarding User's registration timestamp
  2. Get information on user's earnings.

    • Returns an object of type EarningInfo with the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      balance Current earned balance.
      earnings_total Amount earned till date.
      multiplier Earning multiplier.
      tokens No idea what this is.
      redeem_details Returns object of type RedeemDetails.
      bonuses Earnings from referrals.
      bonuses_total Total earnings from referrals till date.
      referral_part Referral bonus percentage.
    • The object RedeemDetails has the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      email Redemption email
      payment_method Redemption method
  3. Get all the connected device's information.

    • Returns an object of type DevicesInfo with the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      devices List of nodes connected with each node of object type Device.
      windows_devices Number of Windows devices.
      linux_devices Number of Linux devices.
      other_devices Number of other type of devices.
      total_bandwidth_usage Shows bandwidth usage of all devices combined in bytes.
      total_bandwidth_usage_formatted Shows bandwidth usage of all devices combined as friendly string e.g. 2.4GB.
    • The object Device has the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      uuid UUID of the device.
      name Name of the device.
      bandwidth_usage Unredeemed bandwidth usage in bytes.
      bandwidth_usage_formatted Unredeemed bandwidth usage as friendly string e.g. 2.4GB.
      total_bandwidth_usage Total bandwidth usage in bytes.
      total_bandwidth_usage_formatted Total bandwidth usage as friendly string e.g. 2.4GB.
      redeemed_bandwidth Redeemed bandwidth usage in bytes.
      redeemed_bandwidth_formatted Redeemed bandwidth usage as friendly string e.g. 2.4GB.
      rate Price/GB of the device.
      earned Unredeemed earnings for this device.
      earned_total Total earnings for this device.
      country Country of the device.
      device_type Type of device. (win/node/None)
  4. Get a list of all the transactions.

    • Returns an object of type Transactions with the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      transactions List of all transactions with each object of type Transaction.
      pending_payments Number of pending payments.
      paid Number of payments completed.
      total_transactions Total number of transactions.
    • The Transaction object has the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      uuid Transaction ID.
      status Status of transaction (pending/paid).
      payment_method Mode of payment.
      payment_date Is an object of type datetime.datetime, as date of payment.
      amount Amount redeemed.
      redeem_date Is an object of type datetime.datetime, as date on which balance was redeemed.
      is_paid True if the payment is completed.
  5. Add new node/device to your ID.

    • Returns the response from the server on success. Else raise an exception.
  6. Get a list of all referrals and their bonuses.

    • Returns an obejct of type Referrals with the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      referrals List of all the referrals with each object of type Referee.
      referral_earnings Unredeemed earnings from referrals. (Same as get_earning_info().bonuses)
      total_referral_earnings Total earnings from referrals. (Same as get_earning_info().bonuses_total)
      number_of_referrals Total number of accepted referrals
    • The Referee object has the following attributes.

      Attribute Description
      id Referral ID.
      bonuses Unredeemed bonus from referred user.
      bonuses_total Total bonus from referred user.
      email Partially hidden referred user's email.
  7. Delete linked device

    delete_device(device_uuid = 'sdk-node-adfbafdnbasgnb')
    • Returns true when deleted, else False
  8. Check if IP Address is usable on earnapp

    • Returns true if IP Address is allowed, else false.
  9. Redeem balance to PayPal

    redeem_to_paypal(paypal_email = 'someone@example.com')
    • Returns true on successful redeem, else False.


  • The following exceptions are defined.
    Exception Reason
    AuthenticationError Raised on authentication failure.
    DeviceAddError When the attempt to add device is failed.
    DeviceNotFoundError When the device to be added is not found.
    DeviceAlreadyAddedError When the device ID is already linked
    UnKnownDeviceAddError When cause of failure is not known.
    TooManyRequestsError Raised when earnapp rate limit is reached.
    UnKnownIPCheckError Raised when there's an error checking if the IP address is valid.
    InValidIPAddressError Raised when the IP address is invalid.
    UnKnownRedeemError When unknown error occurs on redeption.
    MinimumRedeemBalanceError When account doesn't have minimum balance needed for redeeming.