
Additional study on rails polymorphic model relationships - polymorphism

Primary LanguageRuby


This was the additional resources in the building with active record section of the Odin Project and it covers Polymorphism.

Other good resources are i've found ...

Say we want to implement this:

  • A Person
  • A Company
  • A PhoneNumber that can belong to a Person or a Company

The WRONG way to do it ...

A naive implementation would be to add both person_id and company_id columns to the phone_numbers table. Then in the model:

class PhoneNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
	belongs_to :person
	belongs_to :company
	belongs_to ...
	belongs_to ....
	belongs_to .....

This is wrong because it implies that a single PhoneNumber can connect to both a Person and a Company. Furthermore, as you add more classes that can have phone numbers, you’ll have to keep adding ( belongs to ... ) columns to phone_numbers

The CORRECT Database Structure

In this domain, contact would be a good generalization of Person and Company. 
Our phone_numbers table should have columns contact_id and contact_type

NOTE: Telephone numbers are strings of digit characters, they are not integers

|id| number       |contact_id|contact_type|
| 1| "2223334444" | 2        | "Person"   |
| 2| "5554443333" | 3        | "Person"   |
| 3| "6667774444" | 3        | "Company"  |

Implementation using One-to-One (has_one)


  • id:integer [present]

  • number:string [present]

  • first_name:string [present]

  • has_one :phone_number, as: :contact

Generate the Person model

rails generate model Person number:string first_name:string


  • id:integer [present]

  • number:string [present]

  • company_name:string [present]

  • has_one :phone_number, as: :contact

Generate the Company model

rails generate model Company number:string company_name:string


  • id:integer [present]

  • number:string [present]

  • contact_id:integer [present, index]

  • contact_type:string [present]

  • belongs_to :contact, polymorphic: true

Generate the PhoneNumber model

rails generate model PhoneNumber number:string contact_id:integer contact_type:string

Add the index to the migration ...

add_index :phone_numbers, :contact_id

Usage in the views

Assuming we have an instance of these classes  @phone_number, @person, or @company:

@company.phone_number @person.phone_number @phone_number.contact

Implementation using One-to-Many (has_many)

We change has_one to has_many and pluralize the object name to :phone_numbers. 
and nothing else changes!


  • first_name:string [present]

  • number:integer [present]

  • has_many :phone_numbers, as: :contact

Testing in rails console

Person.create(first_name: 'Jake', last_name: 'Black')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Person.first, number: '0101567891')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Person.first, number: '0101476325')

Person.create(first_name: 'Roger', last_name: 'Red')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Person.find(2), number: '0202346268')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Person.find(2), number: '0202951694')

Company.create(company_name: 'Food Company')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Company.first, number: '04277836021')

Company.create(company_name: 'Car Company')
PhoneNumber.create(contact: Company.find(2), number: '06399836021')
  • company = Company.first

  • person = Person.first

  • phone_number = PhoneNumber.first

  • company.phone_numbers

  • company.company_name

  • person.phone_numbers

  • person.first_name

I still need to figure this one out!!!


Should be an instance of Person or Company

But ...

  • phone_number.contact_type

Returns Person or Company

  • person2 = Person.find(2).phone_numbers