Geographic Information System API

Primary LanguagePython

Geographic Information System API

RESTful API with Flask and PostgreSQL which supports basic CRUD operations such as adding a new location, fetching all nearby locations and determining which region a new location falls in.


This project requires Python 3.3+ and the following Python libraries installed:


  • Paste Database URI in init.py
  • Run models.py
    It will create the required tables in the database.
  • Run loadData.py
    It will read the CSV file and load the data to the table.
  • Run loadShapes.py
    It will parse the JSON file and load the data to the table.
  • Run app.py
    You can now open a new tab and interact with the API from the command line.

Interacting with API

You can make following GET and POST requests.

  • post_location
    Add new data to the table by providing Latitude, Longitude, Pin Code, Address and City.
    Replace LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, PINCODE, ADDRESS and CITY in the command below.

     curl -d "lat=LATITUDE&lon=LONGITUDE&pin=PINCODE&address=ADDRESS&city=CITY" 
     -X POST 

    It returns:

    • 'Successful': The data was added successfully.
    • 'Unsuccessful': The data was added not successfully because it was already present or there was some discrepancy in the data.
  • get_using_self
    Given location and radius, it fetches all the nearby pin codes within the radius. It uses Haversine formula.
    Replace LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and RADIUS in the command below.

     curl -X GET 

    It returns list of all pincodes within the radius.

  • get_using_postgres
    Given location and radius, it fetches all the nearby pin codes within the radius. It uses geopy library.
    Replace LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and RADIUS in the command below.

     curl -X GET

    It returns list of all pincodes within the radius.

  • find_place
    Given latitude and longitude, it will tell you which place it falls within.
    Replace LATITUDE and LONGITUDE in the command below.

     curl -X GET

    It returns location of the place.

Running the tests

  • Run tests.py