Darwin’s documentation


Install Homebrew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Verify Homebrew is setup correctly:

brew doctor

Install Git and Ruby:

brew install git
brew install ruby

Add the location where Homebrew installed Ruby to your PATH environment variable:

echo 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH/:\/usr\/local\/bin}' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile

Configure RubyGems to install executables into /usr/local/bin so they will be available on your executable path:

echo "gem: -N -n /usr/local/bin" >> $HOME/.gemrc

Install Asciidoctor:

gem install asciidoctor

Verify Asciidoctor is installed and you can execute the asciidoctor command:

asciidoctor -V

Asciidoctor PDF is published in pre-release on RubyGems.org. You can install the published gem using the following command:

gem install --pre asciidoctor-pdf

If you want to syntax highlight source listings, you’ll also want to install CodeRay or Pygments. To be safe, go ahead and install both gems:

gem install coderay pygments.rb


To generate html:

asciidoctor index.adoc

To generate pdf:

asciidoctor-pdf index.adoc

Install Atom. Then from the Atom editor menus, navigate to Atom ▸ Preferences. From there, open the Packages tab and install:

  • asciidoc-preview

  • language-asciidoc