
The Website of parisjs.org

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the code for the parisjs.org website.


Powered by Vercel

Thanks to Vercel sponsoring this project by allowing it to be deployed for free for the entire ParisJS Team.

Getting started

  • Clone this repository
  • yarn install
  • yarn dev
  • Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Coding standards

  • Code is formatted with prettier.
  • CSS follows a BEM-ish style.

Help section

Some avatars seem to be missing

You can try running yarn avatars:sync to get the missing avatars if they are available and then create a pull request.

How to post talks when running the app locally ?

  1. Create a GitHub OAuth app via https://github.com/settings/developers
  2. Choose http://localhost:3000 as both a "Homepage URL" and a "Authorization callback URL"
  3. Copy your "Client ID" and your "Client Secrets"
  4. register your app in https://auth-server.herokuapp.com/ (We can't signin from our website without a backend or auth proxy)
  5. The domain should be "http://localhost:3000" and the grant url "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token"
  6. Create a .env.local file
  7. Add the client id as "GITHUB_APP_ID"
  8. You should probably switch the default env variables "GITHUB_TALK_REPO_OWNER" and "GITHUB_TALK_REPO_NAME" to avoid spamming the default repository
  9. Start the app locally !

I want to tweak the search functionality locally (ranking, reindexing etc)

  1. Signup to algolia
  2. Create a .env.local file
  4. yarn algolia:index
  5. Start the app locally !