MIDF Internship

##Learn From Internship [Since 11 October 2022]

CVE-2021-44228: Proof-of-Concept for Critical Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Available (Log4Shell) – This issue happens on 6 December 2021.

Window Command Prompt: • shutdown –s –t 5: It means that the computer will shut down after 5 seconds.

Ubuntu Terminal Learning (cowsay): • uname –a: uname is used to print basic system information. It is usually invoked with the -a option to display all available information. • apt-get update / upgrade: Update installer. • apt-get install: Install package. • ip addr: Show IP address. • ip addr |cowsay|: Show IP address by using cowsay. • lsb_release -a: Show the version of Ubuntu, release, and codename. • -verbose: It just outputs a load of text telling you what it's currently doing. • cowsay -e TT huhu: Change the cow’s eye to ‘TT’ and let cow say ‘huhu’., • cowsay -f turtle hello: Change cow to turtle and let turtle say ‘hello’. • >: Copy the output into the file and become contents with replace its contents. • >>: Copy the output into the file and become contents without change its contents. • ssh-keygen: Used to generate public key and private key for SSH. • id_rsa: A private key. The default name for SSH key pairs is id_rsa , and that name will allow an SSH client to locate the key automatically. • id_rsa pub: A public key. • git status: To show the status of each files. • git commit: Captures a snapshot of the project's currently staged changes. • npm install: To install dependencies of the project. • npm run debug/ npm run start: To run the project.


No Command Explanation
1. sudo Allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy.
2. apt Command Line Interface
3. dpkg dpkg is the software that forms the low-level base of the Debian package management system.
4. grep Like the search function.
5. clear To clear all the commands in the terminal.
6. man This is a manual to get an explanation.
7. cat/ less/ more/ vi Concatenate files and print on the standard output. by different ways.
8. -l List out.
9. history List out all the commands inserted before.
10. npm npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language maintained by npm.
11. init Initializer. To set up a new or existing package.
12. cd Get into the directory if with the directory name. If not, then it will back to home page.
13. git To keep track every changes of the file.
14. drwx d:directory; r:read; w:write; x:execute

Step for getting changes from remote: 1: git fetch origin 2: git pull origin [branch name]

Step for pushing changes into remote: 1: git status 2: git add [file name] 3: git commit -m "[commit messages]" 4: git push origin [branch name]