
Cheat Sheet for RK61

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This cheatsheet lists down all the necessary shortcuts for the 60% keyboard RK61. Also along with it there are some nifty tricks with Royal Kludge's RK61. Yes there are manuals available on the internet however I find my experience using my RK61 is different than the manuals available. Therefore I write this cheatsheet.


Regular Functions

Function Combination
Switch to Windows keyboard mode Fn + A
Switch to Mac keyboard mode Fn + S
Lock Win-key Fn + Win
Switch to device 1 Fn + Q
Switch to device 2 Fn + W
Switch to device 3 Fn + E
Directional Key Toggle Fn + :Enter:
Fn Key Toggle Fn + left ctrl
Reset Keyboard Fn + Space

RGB Functions

Function Combination
Switch lighting patterns Fn + \
Increase light brightness Fn + ]
Decrease light brightness Fn + [
Increase light changing speed Fn + '
Decrease light changing speed Fn + ;
Change RGB Color Fn + .


Layers for RK61 cycles when you press Fn + left :ctrl:. There are no indicator to indicate on which layer you're on.

Layer 1 (Default or left :ctrl:, :ctrl:, :ctrl:)

esc 1 ! 2 @ 3 # 4 $ 5 % 6 ^ 7 & 8 * 9 ( 0 ) - _ = + ⬅️ Backspace
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ { ] } \ |
Caps Lock A S D F G H J K L ; : ' " Enter ↩️
⬆️ Shift Z X C V B N M , < . > / ? ⬆️ Shift
Ctrl Win Alt


Alt Menu Ctrl Fn

Access these functions with combination on Layer 1

Function Combination
Print Screen Fn + Y or Fn + :PrtSc:
Scroll Lock Fn + U or Fn + :ScrLK:
Pause Fn + I or Fn + :Pause:
Insert Fn + H or Fn + :Insert:
Home Fn + J or Fn + :Home:
Page Up Fn + K or Fn + :PgUp:
Delete Fn + N or Fn + :Del: or Fn + :Backspace:
End Fn + M or Fn + :End:
Page Down Fn + , or Fn + :PgDn:
🔼 Fn + / or Fn + 🔼
◀️ Fn + Right :Alt: or Fn +◀️
🔽 Fn + :Menu: or Fn +🔽
▶️ Fn + Right :Ctrl: or Fn + ▶️

Layer 2 ( Fn + left :ctrl:)

` ~ F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Delete
Tab Q W E R T PrtSc ScrLK Pause O P [ { ] } \ |
Caps Lock A S D F G Insert Home PgUp L ; : ' " Enter ↩️
⬆️ Shift Z X C V B Del End PgDn . > / ? ⬆️ Shift
Ctrl Win Alt


Alt Menu Ctrl Fn

Layer 3 ( Fn + left :ctrl:, left :ctrl:)

` ~ F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Delete
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ { ] } \ |
Caps Lock A S D F G H J K L ; : ' " Enter ↩️
⬆️ Shift Z X C V B N M , < . > / ? ⬆️ Shift
Ctrl Win Alt


Alt Menu Ctrl Fn


Directional Keys

When using the directional keys, I always have layer 1 on. I'll use my ring finger to hold the Fn key to cue the directional key layers and press the directional keys using either my index or middle finger. Some might be comfortable with having the pinky finger to hold the Fn key.

To toggle directional keys as active keys, press Fn + Enter. The /,right Alt,Menu, right Ctrl will be swapped with 🔼,◀️,🔽,▶️ respectively.

Something weird when I am connected via cable...

When I am connected via cable I get a different result for the F? keys. I am getting media control, brightness and stuff when I am press the Fn+F? key combination. This only happen on cable connection.

Function Combination
Reduce brightness Fn + F1
Increase brightness Fn + F2
Previous Track Fn + F7
Pause/Play media Fn + F8
Next Track Fn + F9
Mute/Unmute sound Fn + F0
Decrease Volume Fn + F11
Increase Volume Fn + F12
