
"codewars-solutions" is a repository containing my solutions to coding challenges on the website Codewars.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Codewar Solutions

Welcome to my repository for solutions to coding challenges on Codewars!

Codewar is a website that offers a range of coding challenges, called "kata," in various programming languages. These challenges range in difficulty from beginner to advanced.

This repository contains my solutions to various kata that I have completed on the Codewars website. I have included a brief explanation of my thought process for each solution, as well as any relevant notes or optimizations.

I hope that this repository can serve as a useful resource for others looking for example solutions to these kata, as well as a portfolio of my coding skills.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • languages
  • Usage
  • Contributing
  • License


Codewar is a great platform for improving one's coding skills and problem-solving abilities. It offers a wide range of challenges in various programming languages, allowing users to test their skills and learn new concepts.

I have found Codewars to be a valuable resource in my own coding journey, and I have enjoyed solving many of the kata on the website. This repository is a collection of my solutions to some of the kata that I have completed.


Below is a list of the kata for which I have included solutions in this repository:

This list will be updated as I add more languages and solutions to the repository.


If you are looking for a solution to a specific kata on Codewars, you can browse the list of kata above to see if I have a solution available. Simply click on the link to the kata to view my solution.

Please note that these solutions are only intended to be used as reference material. It is important to try to solve the kata on your own before looking at the solutions.


If you have a solution to a Codewars kata that you would like to share, I welcome pull requests to this repository. Please include a brief explanation of your thought process and any relevant notes or optimizations.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code in this repository as long as you credit me as the original author and include the license.