Simple JMX starter

This Javaagent aims to make starting a JMX server simpler and more secure. It's not easy to have a rather secure and firewall-friendy remote JMX managent service started. This agent provide two missing features, a single-port access and a default tighten access, without any write access or remote action.

Common use case is :

java -java -javaagent:.../JmxAgent-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar=port=<port>

It handles the following properties:

  • protocol, default to rmi, can also be jmxmp
  • port, the listening port, no default
  • hostname, same effect than java.rmi.server.hostnamejava.rmi.server.hostname ; default to the IP resolution of the local hostname.
  • sslContext, define the SSL context to use
  • withSsl, same effect than
  • jaasName, same effect than, define the JAAS entry name to use.
  • jaasConfiguration, define the JAAS property file to use.
  • clientAuthentication, same effect than
  • passwordFile, same effect than
  • accessFile, same effect than
  • strict, ensure restricted access, default to true
  • configFile, a properties file.

The priority of security settings is:

  1. If both jaasName and jaasConfiguration are used, it defines a custom JAAS configuration.
  2. If only jaasName is defined, it used a default JAAS configuration and choose the given JAAS entry.
  3. If passwordFile is defined, it use the internal JMX automatically generated configuration.
  4. If strict is set to true (the default), only read only access is allowed, many features from JMC will be disabled.
  5. No restrictions, full JMX access is provided, same effect than

The property configFile define a java standard properties files than can define all given properties, and also uses the standard system properties:

  • java.rmi.server.hostname
  • java.rmi.server.useLocalHostname

Those property can also be defined as system properties and will be used.

At startup, system properties are resolved, and if present, will be used. Then each argument given as a java argument is resolved and any given configFile parameter is immediately processed. If multiple definition of a property is given, using a system property, a properties file or a explicit value, the last one will be used.

It sets the following properties:

  • java.rmi.server.hostname
  • java.rmi.server.useLocalHostname