This project holds a generic infrastructure to tests jeromq. It allows to write test by providing a factory class jmh.perf.ZMQFactory
to a jmh.perf.BenchmarkContext inside
JMH benchmark classes.
A simple example, used to test allocators can be found in the package jmh.bench.allocators
The ZMQ context and runner will be provided by a class using the JMH annotation org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State(Scope.Benchmark)
what will be provided to each benchmark. This class needs to instantiate a jmh.perf.BenchmarkContext
that will be used by each benchmark. THis class provides a single ZMQ context, and many helpers methods that can be used by individual benchmarks. This class is given an instance of a class implementing jmh.perf.BenchmarkContext
, specifics to a set of benchmark that describe the elemets of ZMQ that needs to be measured.
It generate a simple jeromqperf.jar
that will launch run.
Option Description
------ -----------
-f, --fast Fast run for tests
-h, --help Shows help
-j, --json Generate a json file with results
-l, --log Generate a output log file
-p, --profiler Add the given class name as a profiler
-r, --withRMI [Integer] Start a RMI server
-s, --svg Generate an SVG of the given name
And it take an option lists of bench to run.
To run the provided sample benchmark:
java -Dio.netty.leakDetection.level=disabled -Xmx31g -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=200g -jar jeromqperf.jar -s jeromq.svg -l jeromq.log -p GCProfiler jmh.bench.allocators..*
It's possible for a given benchmark to generate a SVG plot for better display. To do that, one should implement the interface jmh.plot.Plotter
and using the annotation jmh.plot.PlottingClass
on benchmarks classes, tells which class to use.
An example can be found with the class jmh.bench.allocators.Plotter
that draws bar plot with error for better visualisation of the variability.