Objective: Calculate the timeframe needed to reach a Herd Inmunity Threshold (HIT) based solely on vaccination against COVID-19 in each county in Florida.

Data Source: CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard updated daily at 2000 EST


  • Automatically scrape the CDC data to obtain the latest vaccinations per age group (Over 18 and Over 65) and total vaccinations
  • Move scrape data into a SQL database for storage
  • Extract values for computation including: - Number of new vaccinations - Total number of vaccinations per age group
  • Calculate vaccination rates per county based on the previous 7-days
  • Calculate number of days needed to reach the HIT
  • Save new daily data into dataframes and sql database
  • Convert data into json files for manipulation and calculations for html publication
  • Create an appropriate easy-to-read dashboard to drive the message


  • Automating the scrapping
  • Manipulating the data from csv to json files for ease of publication
  • css styling of the dashboard using bootstrap