Eslint your code with Danger
yarn add danger-plugin-eslint --dev
At a glance:
// dangerfile.js
import eslint from "danger-plugin-eslint";
This fork of danger-plugin-eslint automatically comments inline on linter violations.
Slightly more advanced users may be interested in providing the PluginOptions
. Among other things, this allows you to inject your own logic to be run for every lint message.
Some use cases include:
- customizing the formatting of the lint-error-message (since this comments inline in your source, this might be useful!)
- building your own workflow where PRs shouldn't always fail due to the lint errors if the PR is labeled: WIP, for example!
eslint(undefined, {
onLintMessage: ({ filePath, line, hasFixesOrSuggestions, linterMessage, formattedMessage, suggestedReporter }) => {
if (prIsWIP() && suggestedReporter === error) {
warn(formattedMessage, filePath, line);
} else {
suggestedReporter(formattedMessage, filePath, line);
See the GitHub release history.