Grails Example for Many-To-Many


  • Author
  • Book
  • Book2Author


Authors can write multiple books and books can be coauthored by multiple authors.

  • If an author is created, some already existing books can be selected
  • If a book is created, some already existing authors can be selected
  • If a author is deleted, his books still exist (without him)
  • If a book is deleted, his authors still exist (without it)

The last part seems to be a bit useless for books, but not for other more complicated examples (like QueueManager and QueueManagerGroups).

Grails default restriction

One side has to be 'master' with belongsTo

  • a deletion works only form that side (sql referential integrity problem...)
  • a creation with known 'slave' entries works (the other entities are ignored)


Used an explicit domain for the join-table (Book2Author).

  • deletion works out-of-the-box with one-to-many-logic
  • create / update is customized in the controllers via save / update methods and customized fields-templates for the properties

TODO (report bugs)

  • cascade-delete is ignored in integration-tests and just works in run-app/tomcat
    • additional before-delete for integration-tests
  • How to test controller-methods save/update with domain against database in integration-test?