
Fork of VBBinaryLensing code for calculating microlensing light curves.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Fork of VBBinaryLensing code for calculating microlensing lightcurves, developed by Valerio Bozza. The code is freely available for download at http://www.fisica.unisa.it/gravitationAstrophysics/VBBinaryLensing.htm.

VBBinaryLensing v2.0.1 (released 2018-02-05)

  • This code has been developed by Valerio Bozza, University of Salerno.
  • The root finding algorithm has been adopted from Jan Skowron & Andy Gould (http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~jskowron/cmplx_roots_sg/) and translated to C++ by Tyler M. Heintz and Ava R. Hoag.
  • Any use of this code for scientific publications should be acknowledged by citations to: V. Bozza, MNRAS 408 (2010) 2188. If specifically relevant to your work, please also cite J. Skowron and A. Gould, arXiv:1203.1034
  • The code is freely available to the community under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 included in this package.

The package contains the following files:

  • instructions.cpp // Contains working examples and specific instructions for all functions.
  • VBBinaryLensingLibrary.h // Header for the library
  • VBBinaryLensingLibrary.cpp // Source code for the library
  • ESPL.tbl // Pre-calculated table for Extended-source-point-lens
  • Makefile // A sample makefile for compiling the library
  • OB151212coords.txt // Sample file with event coordinates
  • satellite1.txt // Sample table for satellite position (Spitzer)
  • satellite2.txt // Sample table for satellite position (Kepler)
  • howtopython.txt // Instructions for linking VBBinaryLensing in Python (kindly provided by Markus Hundertmark)
  • VBBinaryLensingLibrary.i // Sample swig configuration file for Python

!!! Please follow instructions.cpp to learn how to use all functions !!!