How to handle packages in a monorepo with Lerna, Typescript, Vite, React and Node

1. Crete the monorepo

`npx lerna init``

2. Add packages

2.1 Create the package

Add each package under the packages folder, treat it as if it were an indipendent application: with its own src folder, package.json and all the usual stuff (npm init to bootstrap)

2.2 Configure the package.json file

2.2.1 The name field

In the name field specify the package name (usually the same as the folder name).

2.2.3 The dependencies

If the package uses other packages in the monorepo, add them under the dependencies/devDependencies key with this syntax:

"dependencies": {
    "model": "*",
    "helpers": "*",

The key is the name field in the dependency's package.json.

2.2.4 The entrypoints

Add the right entrypoints, e.g.

  "main": "build/index.js",
  "types": "build/index.d.ts",

they must point to the correct files generated by the build script.

2.2.5 The scripts

To be able to run the npm scripts from Lerna make sure that every package has the same basic scripts, e.g.: build, start (or dev) and test.

To simplify the Lerna configuration male sure that every package has the same build folder name.

3. Configure TypeScript

  • add the tsconfig.json file
  • in the tsconfig.json file add
    "paths": {
      "model": ["../model"],
      "helpers": ["../helpers"]

listing all the packages's dependencies, the key is the name field in the dependency's package.json.

4. Install the dependencies

npm i

5. Start the project

npx lerna run start

6. Build the project

npx lerna run build

7. Install a dependency in a package

npm install nodemon --workspace=back-end

8. Use ESM both on node and on front-end

If the front end was bootstrapped with vite + react it is already configured to use ESM.

To configure node packages to use ESM:

in package.json add:

  "type": "module",
  "exports": "./build/index.js",

in tsconfig.json add:

  "target": "ESNext",

Now the build stript should work.

To enable esm with nodemon add a nodemon.json file with this content:

  "execMap": {
    "ts": "ts-node --esm"

9. Recap of ingredients

9.1 Tooling

  • Lerna (that uses Nx under the hood): to orchestrate npm scripts and node modules dependencies. Configurations: lerna.json, nx.json
  • Npm workspaces: to handle cross dependencies between the mono repo packages. Configuration: package.json at root level and in each package
  • Vite (that uses ESBuild and Rollup under the hood): to start the front end dev server and to bundle for production. Configuration: vite.config.js in the front end packages
  • Typescript. Configuration tsconfig.json in each package
  • Eslint: linter to catch possible errors. Configuration: .eslintignore, .eslintrc.json
  • Prettier: to automatically enforce a formatting style. Configuration: .prettierignore, .prettierrc
  • pretty-quick: to run prettier on modified files
  • Commitlint: to enforce a commit message style. Configuration: commitlint.config.cjs
  • Git. Configuration: .gitingore and .git/hooks folder for the hooks
  • Rimraf: to delete the build folders before new builds
  • Zod: to centralize type definitions and create TypeScript types, decoder for incoming information, JSON schema for schema enforcement on Mongo and payload type checks with fastify, and schema for form validation on front end

9.2 Back end

  • Node
  • Ts-node: to use node files written in TypeScript without a build step while developing
  • Nodemon: to restart the backend when files are modified. Configuration: nodemon.json in the back end packages
  • Fastify: to run the node server

9.3 Front end

  • React
  • Styled-components
  • Ladle: to test presentational component in isolation
  • React i18 next: to handle translations
  • React router
  • Redux toolkit (that uses redux under the hood): to manage centralized state and API calls

9.4 Testing

  • Jest. To run tests. Configuration: jest-setup.ts
  • Babel: to transpile test files. Configuration babel.config.cjs