Bioschemas Website

This repo contains the files for the Bioschemas website. The website is deployed on GitHub using Jekyll.

Getting Started

If you already have Ruby installed on your machine, then the following files will allow you to get started by installing the relevant dependencies:

  • Install Jekyll and Dependencies: gem install jekyll bundler jekyll-redirect-from and gem install jekyll-sitemap
  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Run the website: jekyll serve

If you need more help with installing Jekyll, then see their installation instructions for full details.

Note, if you use the GitHub pages documentation, then you will need a Gemfile with the following contents (Gemfile):

source ''
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins


The website uses a series of collections that are configures in the _config.yml file. There are collections for:

  • Groups: _groups
  • Meetings: _meetings
  • People: _people
  • Profiles: _profiles
  • Types: _types
  • Use Cases: _useCases

Site Data

Live Deployments

The list of live deployments is maintained in the JSON-LD file _data/live_deployments.json. The file conforms to the JSON-Schema defined in _data/live_deployments_schema.json. Upon pushing to GitHub, an action checks the live deployments data file conforms to the schema file.

A resource listing in the live deployments file consists of the following JSON keys (optional properties denoted with a ?, + indicates one or more required:

  • name
  • description?
  • keywords?: ["CDR", "DDR", "RIR"]
  • url
  • nodes?: ELIXIR node two letter code
  • sitemap?
  • profiles+:
    • profileName: Valid profile name
    • conformsTo
    • exampleURL
    • highlight?

Profile and Type Status

The status of specification files, i.e. latest draft, release, or deprecated, is controlled by the following data files:

  • Profiles: _data/profile_version.yaml
  • Types: _data/type_version.yaml

There should be an entry in each file for each profile/type respectively.

The values of the latest_publication and latest_release keys should be the corresponding filename (without extension) in the _profile or _type folder. The latest_publication field captures the latest publication (draft or release) of a specification, while the latest_release key captures the most recent release. The latest_release key may be empty if there has not been a release.

The status value is used to distinguish between 'active' specifications, and those that have been 'deprecated'. Deprecated specifications must have a deprecated_date value.