
Aleph Zero Blockchain Helm chart with all the necessary tooling to run it locally.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Aleph Zero Blockchain python scripts for running TestNet and DevNet.

Usage instructions

  • Create an account on AWS, set up credentials, and a default region as described here.
  • Put keys for ssh in key_pairs (both the private key e.g. aleph.pem and its fingerprint (aleph.fingerprint))
  • Put SSL certificates in the nginx/cert directory (self-signed.crt and self-signed.key)
  • Make sure you have the aleph node binary inside a bin directory (needed for committee key generation step, cp <...>/aleph-node/target/release/aleph-node bin/)
  • Install packages needed for orchestrating experiments: GNU parallel, fabric, zip, unzip and Python 3 packages (with pip install -r requirements.txt).
  • Then, run ipython -i shell.py. This opens a shell with procedures orchestrating experiments. The main procedure is setup_nodes(n_processes, chain_type, regions, instance_type, volume_size, tag) that prepares the n_processes spread uniformly across specified regions using EC2 machines of instance_type. E.g. setup_nodes(4, 'dev', ['eu-west-1'], 't2.micro', 8, 'my_devnet'). After it succeeds, the dispatch task has to be run.
  • run_task('some-task', tag=tag) procedure calls the task some_task defined in fabfile.py for all machines that was created with the tag, note the change s/-/_,
  • run_cmd(shell_cmd, tag) dispatches the shell_cmd on all machines.
  • To terminate instances run ti(tag).