
An easy-to-use model quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An easy-to-use model quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.

News or Update

  • (Work in progress) - (Update) - Support evaluation and benchmark on multiple (down-stream) tasks such as: language-modeling, text-classification, text-summarization.
  • 2023-04-20 - (News) - AutoGPTQ is automatically compatible with Stability-AI's newly released gpt_neox type model family StableLM.
  • 2023-04-16 - (Update) - Support quantization and inference for bloom, gpt_neox, gptj, llama and opt.


Install from source

First, install torch with minimum version of 1.13.0 following pytorch installation guide

Second, clone the source code:

git clone https://github.com/PanQiWei/AutoGPTQ.git && cd AutoGPTQ

Then, install from source:

pip instal .

For some people want to try LLaMa and whose transformers version not meet the newest one that supports it, using:

pip install .[llama]

Supported Models

Currently, auto_gptq supports: bloom, gpt_neox, gptj, llama and opt; more CausalLMs will come soon!



Below is an example for the simplest use of auto_gptq:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TextGenerationPipeline
from auto_gptq import AutoGPTQForCausalLM, BaseQuantizeConfig

pretrained_model_dir = "facebook/opt-125m"
quantized_model_dir = "opt-125m-4bit"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_dir, use_fast=True)
example = tokenizer(
    "auto_gptq is a useful tool that can automatically compress model into 4-bit or even higher rate by using GPTQ algorithm.",

quantize_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(
    bits=4,  # quantize model to 4-bit
    group_size=128,  # it is recommended to set the value to 128

# load un-quantized model, the model will always be force loaded into cpu
model = AutoGPTQForCausalLM.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_dir, quantize_config)

# quantize model, the examples should be list of dict whose keys can only be "input_ids" and "attention_mask" 
# with value under torch.LongTensor type.

# save quantized model

# save quantized model using safetensors
model.save_quantized(quantized_model_dir, use_safetensors=True)

# load quantized model, currently only support gpu
model = AutoGPTQForCausalLM.from_quantized(quantized_model_dir, device="cuda:0")

# inference with model.generate
print(tokenizer.decode(model.generate(**tokenizer("auto_gptq is", return_tensors="pt").to("cuda:0"))[0]))

Customize Model

Below is an example to extend auto_gptq to support OPT model, as you will see, it's very easy:

from auto_gptq.modeling import BaseGPTQForCausalLM

class OPTGPTQForCausalLM(BaseGPTQForCausalLM):
    # chained attribute name of transformer layer block
    layers_block_name = "model.decoder.layers"
    # chained attribute names of other nn modules that in the same level as the transformer layer block
    outside_layer_modules = [
        "model.decoder.embed_tokens", "model.decoder.embed_positions", "model.decoder.project_out",
        "model.decoder.project_in", "model.decoder.final_layer_norm"
    # chained attribute names of linear layers in transformer layer module
    # normally, there are four sub lists, for each one the modules in it can be seen as one operation, 
    # and the order should be the order when they are truly executed, in this case (and usually in most cases), 
    # they are: attention q_k_v projection, attention output projection, MLP project input, MLP project output
    inside_layer_modules = [
        ["self_attn.k_proj", "self_attn.v_proj", "self_attn.q_proj"],

    # the overriding of this method may not necessary for most other models
    def _resize_attention_mask(attention_mask):
        attention_mask = [attention_mask.unsqueeze(1) for attention_mask in attention_mask]
        return attention_mask

After this, you can use OPTGPTQForCausalLM.from_pretrained and other functions

More Examples

For more examples, please turn to examples

Side Notes


Currently, I put everything (data, model, etc.) into CPU util one is required to be used or executed on GPU (and will back to CPU once the execution finished). Though I didn't run any benchmark to this date, but the maximum VRAM usage for GPTJ is about 6GB, which may be considered as a reference.


  • Specially thanks Elias Frantar, Saleh Ashkboos, Torsten Hoefler and Dan Alistarh for proposing GPTQ algorithm and open source the code.
  • This code is based on PanQiWei's AutoGPTQ.