
NYC is one of the most sought after tourist attractions of the world. There are about 60 million people visiting the city that never sleeps ever year.

For many vistors finding an affordable and interesting area proves to be a challenge. The application we created helps to close the tourist dilema. Not only does the application allows visitors look at vacant locations but they are able to see interesting venues they can visit in their proximity of their location.

##Technologies we used

The project allowed for us to dig deep into our arsenal of skillsets. We used react on the front end with an express server on the backend. We were able to postgresql to help us manage our database. We were fetching from the Zomato API, a public API, that allows you discover venues such as restaurants, bars, and clubs.


This is the first time we are collobarating on a group project and discovering how to be successful to work in a team. We faced some challenges with git conflict resolutions after merges. The 'EDIT' feature proved to be challenging feat to complete. The rendering of the single listing required a good chunk of our time. We added a search feature to the application and making the conditional logic to pass through the parameters we wanted took some help from different parties. Intially, we wanted to add a login system for users but that proved to be diffcult and we will try to strive for that after we reach MVP.

User Experience

The user of the application can view all the listings across the 5 boroughs. The application includes a feature for owners to add listings to the our internal database. The renter can update information if they feel there is an error. The renter can delete an entry from the listing as well.

User Stories

User Stories

