Analysis of the XFS_DIRECT ATM malware used for jackpotting with a PI ZERO W and the P4WNP1 framework on board
- 0x13f8
- 0xterrahanother dimension
- 5l1v3r1
- AA-2020743
- adityagnwan
- apertureless
- b1naryxxroot
- brahmanggi
- crackprivatekeys
- damikey
- daveperham
- db69
- deadcyph3r
- DidierA
- greenmind-secJuliusec
- GutemThe House
- halsten
- ia@h0melab
- ihebski
- koromar
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- OwlxeYexlwo
- pandazhengpandazhengzheng
- pompel123Norway
- Rob-Rychslocalhost
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- strcpy3-zz
- un4ckn0wl3zThe Eavesdropper Laboratory
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- wilsjameSearchspring
- xFTBstValenciennes
- Xyl2kFrance
- youssefbenhammedSarcelles