
AWS ec2 script that makes snapshot for each attached volume and rotate it each day, week and month deleting older

Primary LanguagePHP


AWS ec2 script that makes snapshot for each attached volume and rotate it each day, week and month deleting older

This script makes;

  • a snapshot of each volume attached to the selected amazon aws ec2 instance.
  • check for snapshot older than KEEPFOR option ( -t ) seconds, 7 day default, and delete it
  • keep 1 snapshop for each day of the last week
  • keep 1 snapshot each week of the last month
  • keep 1 snapshot each month
  • All snapshot with description start equal to "AutoSnap:" will be rotated by this script


$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/fborraccetti/aws-ec2-instance-snapshots $ cd aws-ec2-instance-snapshots/aws-sdk-for-php $ cp config-sample.inc.php config.inc.php

edit config.inc.php and set access key and secret key from aws account security

Look for your ec2 instance instance-id and go with php aws-ec2-instance-snapshots.php -i=YOURINSTANCEID -r=YOURREGION

Parameters and options

  • @param v

    The Instance ID of ec2 instance which you wish to manage.

  • @param r

    ( Optional ) Defaults to US-EAST-1. The region where the snapshots are held. Options include: us-e1, us-w1, us-w2, us-gov1, eu-w1, apac-se1, apac-ne1 AND sa-e1.

  • @param t

    (Optional) Default to 604 800 seconds ( 7 days ) The time in second to keep snapshot, snapshot older than will be deleted

  • @param o

    (Optional) Defaults to TRUE. No operation mode, it won't create any snapshots. use -n -o to lock any create and delete action

  • @param q

    (Optional) Defaults to FALSE. Quiet mode, no ouput.

  • @param n

    (Optional) Defaults to FALSE. No operation mode, it won't delete any snapshots. use -n -o to lock any create and delete action

Example usage:

Do a snapshot of each volumes attached to instance with id i-7ed55c04 and delete snapshot older than 600 seconds

 ubuntu@test:~/aws-ec2-instance-snapshots$ php aws-ec2-instance-snapshots.php -i=i-7ed55c04 -r=us-e1 -t 600

###Crontab Example:

00 00 * * * /usr/bin/php /home/fabio/admin/aws-ec2-instance-snapshots.php -i=i-7ed55c04

or 00 00 * * * /usr/bin/php /home/ubuntu/aws-ec2-instance-snapshots/aws-ec2-instance-snapshots.php -i=i-66e22c2d -r=eu-w1

###Thanks some code snippet taken from:

WARNING : USE AT YOU OWN RISK!!! This application will delete snapshots with description starting with "AutoSnap:" unless you use the -o option