Advanced Computer Graphics Coursework

Mark: 100/100 [TODO] Add description of coursework


General Comment:

Perfect match with the marking criteria and demonstration of the mastery of ACG knowledge and skills. Well done!

Q1 Report and Video

Mark: 10/10 Comment: All submitted.

Q2 VE Construction

Mark: 15/15 Comment: Perfect VE construction incorporating a good range of different static and dynamic objects.

Q3 Multi-resolution Modeling

Mark: 20/20 Comment: Perfect demonstration of applying various types of mult-resolution modeling techniques and their implementations.

Q4 Parametric Curves and Surfaces

Mark: 20/20 Comment: Perfect demonstration of applying Bezier and B-spline techniques and their implementations.

Q5 Skeletal Animation

Mark: 20/20 Comment: Perfect demonstration of applying skeletal animation techniques, their implementations and their combination with parametric curves.

Q6 Visual Quality Control

Mark: 15/15 Comment: Perfect demonstration of applying combinations of visual quality control methods.