Infrastructure deployment with CDK

This is a template/boilerplate for deploying AWS infrastructure with CDK.

Initial setup

Bootstrap AWS CDK with the deployer AWS account:

Note: AWS account should have Administrator Access policy attached.

yarn cdk bootstrap aws://<ACCOUNT>/<REGION> \
--cloudformation-execution-policies \
arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \

# Example:

yarn cdk bootstrap aws://098162465323/sa-east-1 \
--cloudformation-execution-policies \
arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \


Infrastructure definition is located in infra/src/app/cdk-stack.ts.

Main entrypoint for infrastructure stacks is defined at infra/src/main.ts.

Deploy Stack

Deploy & update existing infrastructure:

yarn deploy

Destroy Stack

Destroy existing infrastructure:

yarn drop