
Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Postgres sample database

Repository containing platform database files and deployments.

Installation of pg-native

Deploying migrations to Amazon RDS with db-migrate fails with other than pg-native library. This is because SSL mode is enabled in RDS instances.

Solution is to install pg-native and use it with db-migrate, more instructions here.


This project uses db-migrate as migration library. All new migrations need to be placed inside ./migrations.

First you have to run npm install to install dependencies for db-migrate.

This will create new entry to ./migrations/sqls/ which you can fill in:

npm run migrate:create <migration-name>

Runs all pending migrations:

npm run migrate:up

Runs previous down migration:

npm run migrate:down

More info can be found from https://db-migrate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Getting%20Started/commands/.

Migration deployment

Migration deployments are done through database admins local environment. Deployment creator sets up following environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_USER_DEPLOY Postgres database username
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD_DEPLOY Postgres database password
  • POSTGRES_DB_DEPLOY Postgres database name
  • POSTGRES_PORT_DEPLOY Postgres database port

These are deliberately named differently from the normal environment variables to avoid accidents. This script assumes that SSH tunnel is set to point to localhost and hence uses only port as configuration parameter.

After everything is set up, admin can deploy the migration to given target with npm run migrate:up -- -e deploy.

Running tests

pgTAP is used to run tests, and all tests are inside ./tests directory.

To run tests, just execute npm test in the directory.

Environment variables

  • POSTGRES_USER Username for the postgres database
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password for the postgres database
  • POSTGRES_DB Database name
  • POSTGRES_HOST_PORT Port to bind the postgres instance port in host computer

See more at: https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres


  • Run docker-compose up -d