Here's my awesome emacs configuration. Feel free to use it if you want to play with ruby, python, c/c++ or haskell stuff without messing up with the emacs.
Attention! This way of installation will overwrite your current configuration:
chmod u+x
Clone or download the nu7macs sources:
cd ~/.emacs.d
git clone git://
... and add following code to your ~/.emacs
config file:
(setq nu7macs-path "~/.emacs.d/nu7macs")
(load-file (concat nu7macs-path "/init.el"))
- Org-Mode
- Paredit
- Clojure Mode
- Slime
- Swank REPL (Clojure)
- ELPA package manager
- YASnippet bundles
- Ruby mode
- RSpec mode
- CSS mode
- Git diff mode
- Github's gists integration
- Style guessing
- HAML mode
- JavaScript (JS2) mode
- JSON mode
- YAML mode
- Continuous search
- Smart tabs
- Git support with magit
- Sass mode
- Less mode
- RVM support
- EProject
Redo and undo:
undo C-/ Undo changes
redo C-? Redo changes
Text manipulation:
backward-delete-char C-h Deletes char backward(Deprecated because it shadows normal Emacs help function)
move-text-up M-n Moves selected region or current line up
move-text-down M-p Moves selected region or current line down
backward-kill-word C-c b Kills single word backward
kill-word C-c f Kills single word
kill-whole-line C-c k Kills current selected line
duplicate-current-line C-c d Duplicates current selected line
Dired shortcuts (in dired mode):
find-in-workspace s Searches for file in current workspace
dired-do-delete DEL Deletes selected file
find-alternate-file ".." ^ Go to parent directory
dired-find-alternate-file RET Opens selected file
dired C-x C-d Opens dired (this shortcut eliminates annoying directory brief)
dired-details-show ) Shows full details about dired files
dired-details-hide ( Hides dired files details
refresh-file C-S-r Refreshes currently edited buffer
buffer-menu C-x C-b Display menu with list of opened buffers
Window resizing:
shrink-window-horizontally C-s-<left> Shrinks buffer window horizontally
enlarge-window-horizontally C-s-<right> Englarges buffer window horizontally
shrink-window C-s-<down> Shrinks buffer window vertically
englarge-window C-s-<up> Englarges buffer window vertically
magit-status C-S-g Enters into Magit mode