
BIM Service Provider - Context Layer

Primary LanguagePython

BIM Service Provider - Context layer

This repository is part of a collection, see also:

Full citation:

  • Brundu, Francesco Gavino, et al. "IoT software infrastructure for energy management and simulation in smart cities." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13.2 (2016): 832-840.


  • Python3
  • CherryPy

Start the service

python3 dimc.py

Setting the configuration file

The configuration file must be saved in the directory conf/ as conf.json.


The service allows the following methods:

  • GET

Currently, the following actions are implemented:

  • ping
  • pingthru
  • getjson
  • getifc
  • getgbxml
  • getrvt
  • query

Get buildings as JSON array

http GET http://<service_uri>/dimc/getjson district=="<district_1>" ... district=="<district_N>"

Optional parameters are:

  • typology - ["single", "multi", "other"]
  • heating - ["district", "other"]

Get buildings as zip of IFC files

http GET http://<service_uri>/dimc/getifc district=="<district_1>" ... district=="<district_N>"

Get buildings as zip of gbXML files

http GET http://<service_uri>/dimc/getgbxml district=="<district_1>" ... district=="<district_N>"

Get buildings as zip of rvt files

In this case, the user must provide also revit version (e.g. "2015").

http GET http://<service_uri>/dimc/getrvt version=="<revit_version>" district=="<district_1>" ... district=="<district_N>"

Query buildings database

http GET http://<service_uri>/dimc/query qname=="<query_name>" district=="<district_1>" ... district=="<district_N>"

qname represents the name of the query. Currently, the following queries are implemented:

  • getnwalls - to get the total number of walls in a building (optionally, the type of the walls to consider is passed with the parameter typeid)
  • getwindowsinwall - to get the list of ids of the windows of a wall; the parameter wallid is required (the id of the hosting wall)
  • gethostingwall - to get, given the id of a window (passed with the parameter windowid), the id of the hosting wall
  • getwalltypes - to get a list of wall types
  • gettypology - to get the building typology
  • getheatingsupply - to get the type of heating supply
  • getageofconstruction - to get the age of construction
  • getoccupancy - to get the occupancy

Query result

The following is an example of result for a query:

    "r_ver": "<query result version>",
    "q_ts": "<ISO 8601 timestamp>",
    "q_desc": "<query description>",
    "q_par": {
        "<input_param_1>": "<input_param_1_value>",
        "<input_param_n>": "<input_param_n_value>"
    "q_res": [
            "b_id": "<building_1_id>",
            "b_res": [
            "b_id": "<building_n_id>",
            "b_res": [