
gather layout and typography related statistics from the current web page

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A VanillaJS plugin to gather layout and typography related statistics from the current web page. layoutstats.js can be used to efficiently track layout/styling changes in web pages over time (much faster than taking and comparing screenshots). Designed to be run with PhantomJS, Scrapy/Splash or any other headless browser - see Installation/Usage for details.


 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {

Measured Layout Metrics

Sample Output

This is an abbreviated sample output of layoutstats.js analyzing the 2010-06-30 Wayback Machine Snapshot of Guardian.co.uk . Please check the detailed explanation of each metric below.

    "textVisibleCharCount": 10157,
    "textUniqueFontStyleCount": 39,
    "textUniqueFontStyles": {
        "arial 12px #005689": 2372,
        "arial 12px #333333": 4844,
        "arial 12px #d61d00": 86,
        "arial 12px #333333 bold": 94,
       // ...
    "textUniqueFontSizeCount": 8,
    "textUniqueFontSizes": {
        "12px": 8057,
        "15px": 371,
        "16px": 517,
        "24px": 48,
        "14px": 101,
        "18px": 967,
        "11px": 486
    "textUniqueFontCount": 2,
    "textUniqueFonts": {
        "arial": 8644,
        "georgia": 1903
    "textTopFont": "arial",
    "textTopFontStyle": "arial 12px #333333",
    "textTopFontColor": "#333333",
    "textTopFontSize": "12px",
    "textUniqueFontColorCount": 16,
    "textUniqueFontColors": {
        "#005689": 4054,
        "#333333": 5474,
        "#d61d00": 145,
        "#bebebe": 6,
    "textFirst1000Chars": "Mobile siteSign inRegisterText larger·smaller\n\t\t\n\t        About Us\n    Webfeed\n\t\t\n\t        Today's paper\n    \n\t\t\n\t        Zeitgeist\n    Consumer publisher of the year | 30 June 2010\n\t\t\t\t    \n\t                        | Last updated three minutes ago \n            \n\t\t\tWeather | Cape Town | 15°C7°CWimbledon26°C15°CNewsWorld CupCommentCultureBusinessMoneyLife & styleTravelEnvironmentTVVideoCommunityJobsNewsPoliticsUKWorldUSMediaEducationSocietyScienceTechnologyLawSportGuardianObserverBlogsBreaki....",
    "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20100630035713/http://www.guardian.co.uk/",
    "ISOTimeStamp": "2016-12-30T20:58:49.237Z"

Text-related metrics

At the moment, layoutstats.js only collects text-related metrics, because they are easy to gather and still reveal important information about the layout and styling of a web page. When calculating these metrics, layoutstats.js only considers the visible text nodes of a web page. Hidden text (which might be caused by the usage of menu systems or Infinite Scroll) is ignored.

  • textVisibleCharCount: is the number of visible characters on the web page. The metric shows how much text content is available on a page. The number roughly corresponds to the copied text length from a web page (i.e. select all text on the page and then paste it to a text editor)
  • textTopFont: the name of the most frequently used font on the page (the one that most text characters are rendered with)
  • textUniqueFonts: an object containing all different fonts used on the page. The keys of the object are the font names, the values are the number of characters that are rendered in that font.
  • textUniqueFontCount: the number of different fonts used on the page
  • textUniqueFontStyles: contains all unique font styles used on a page. A unique font style is defined as a combination of the CSS properties font-family, font-size, color, font-weight, font-variant that hasn't been used on the page yet. textUniqueFontStyles is a JSON object that contains the font style as a key and the number of characters rendered in the style as values.
  • textUniqueFontStyleCount: the number of different font styles used on the page.
  • textUniqueFontSizes: an object containing all font sizes used on the page an the number of characters that have been rendered in them
  • textUniqueFontSizeCount: the number of different font sizes used on the page.
  • textTopFontStyle: the font style in which most characters of the page are rendered in.
  • textTopFontColor: the font color in which most characters of the page are rendered in.
  • textTopFontSize: the font size in which most characters of the page are rendered in.
  • textUniqueFontColorCount: the number of different font colors used on the page.
  • textUniqueFontColors: an object containing all font colors used on the page.
  • textFirst1000Chars: the first 1000 characters of the web page (can be used to check whether the correct page has been analyzed or some redirect to an error page/nag screen has happened)
  • url: url of the analyzed webpage
  • ISOTimeStamp: when the page has been analyzed.



If you want to try out layoutstats.js directly in your browser, you can do so by installing the Tampermonkey extension for Google Chrome or Firefox. After the installation has completed, create the following userscript in Tampermonkey's web interface. Make sure to adjust the @match parameters of the script to the url(s) of the web pages you want to analyze. For more information, please consult Tampermonkey's UserScript documentation.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         layoutstats.js Injector
// @namespace    https://download.url/of/this/script
// @version      0.1.3
// @description  injects layoutstats.js into @matched webpages and outputs their layout metrics to the console
// @author       Franz Buchinger
// @match        https://web.archive.org/web/*
// @match        http://web.archive.org/web/*
// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fbuchinger/jquery.layoutstats/master/src/layoutstats.js
// ==/UserScript==

//enable jQuery non-conflict mode to avoid collisions with jQuery versions that are already embedded in the page
jQLA = jQuery.noConflict(true);

//invokes jQuery.layoutStats on the page, delays the measurement if page isn't yet ready
function measureLayout() {
    var measurements = layoutstats(document.body);
    if (measurements.textVisibleCharCount && measurements.textVisibleCharCount > 0) {
    else {
        window.setTimeout(measureLayout, 500);

// invokes measureLayout() function once page content has been loaded
 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {


  1. Follow the scrapy/splash setup tutorial on their project page - you should have a complete scrapy/splash-compatible spider by the end of the tutorial.
  2. Include the following lua script into your scrapy/splash spider class and hand it over to splash via the splash_args/lua_source parameter
lua_script = """
    function main(splash)
	    -- load required includes

        -- utility function to check whether Zepto/layoutstats are available on the page
        ready_for_measurement = splash:jsfunc("function() { return window.layoutstats !== undefined }")

        -- test whether the measurement can start
        function wait_for(condition)
            local max_retries = 10
            while not condition() do
                max_retries = max_retries - 1
                if max_retries == 0 then break end

		-- measure function - either returns measurement or error to splash
        local measure_layout = splash:jsfunc([[
            function measureLayout() {
                try {
                    var measurements = layoutstats(document.body);

                    if (measurements.textVisibleCharCount && measurements.textVisibleCharCount > 0) {
                        return measurements;
                    else {
                        window.setTimeout(measureLayout, 500);
                catch (err){
                    return {snapshotURL: location.href, error: err.message }

        return measure_layout()