Denver Street Flea

Getting started

// Clone the repo
git clone boulderbeer/

// Install the node modules and bower
npm install
bower install

Local Server

Using node-squarespace-server we will setup a local dev environment.

// Install the package globally on your computer if you have not already
npm install -g node-squarespace-server

// Change directories into the sqs template workspace
cd sqs_template

// Start the server on localhost:5050
sqs server
// Clear the site cache and start the server again
sqs buster && sqs server

Pushing to Squarespace

We are using a git subtree to push up our Squarespace template from within our main repo. The grunt-git-subtree module will help with this process. More on subtree workflow here.

// Setup subtree remote
git remote add squarespace
// Push to the squarespace subtree
grunt git_subtree_push

Preprocess our SASS and JS

We are preprocessing our Sass and Js files in root and dumping them into our /sqs_template folder. There is a grunt task setup to watch for file changes and run the preprocesser.

grunt watch

*more to come on the js side...