
Fully pipelined SHA2-256 VHDL description with circular buffers instead of shift registers for low power.

Primary LanguageVHDL

SHA2 256bit fully pipelined 320 layer architecture

  • simulatable and synthesizable portable VHDL code
  • pipeline elements are separately optimized and contain 5 level pipeline each
  • the full pipeline consists of 64 pipeline elements
  • calculates 320 separate input stream's hashes parallelly
  • compression pipeline input can be initialized with arbitrary intermediate hash state

Applied optimizations

  • only 2 input adders are used in the entire design, to enable high speed FPGA implementation
  • most of the shift registers have been replaced with distributed RAMs based circular buffers to decrease unnecessary bit flipping and with that power consumption

Key modules

  • sha256_full_top.vhd is the design's top module
  • sha256_full_sim_test.vhd is the simulation's top
  • sha256_hw_test.vhd has been a hardware test for power measurement

Further development

  • pipeline length to be a parameterizable multiple of 5
  • optional swicthing between shift registers and circular buffer to better match with FPGA resources (some LUTs can only be applied as shift registers)


This is code is meant to be a know-how sample and is not to be used in its current form for free.