
a Gruvbox wallpaper generator crafted in C++, highly customisable featuring colored squares. It can be associated with system data values and feh to generate dynamic wallpaper.

Primary LanguageC++

Generate Image

a Gruvbox wallpaper generator crafted in C++, highly customisable featuring colored squares.

It can be associated with system data values and feh to generate dynamic wallpaper.

Inspired by this Gruvbox wallpaper


CImg Library is included

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/gruvpaper.git
cd gruvpaper
  1. Compile the project:
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..


../bin/gruvpaper [options] <data_values...>


-w, --width WIDTH : Set the image width (default: 1920)
-h, --height HEIGHT : Set the image height (default: 1080)
-s, --square-size SIZE : Set the square size (default: 14)
-i, --inner-margin MARGIN : Set the inner margin (default: 10)
-o, --outer-margin MARGIN : Set the outer margin (default: 10)
-b, --background COLOR : Set the background color (default: #32302F)
-e, --empty-square COLOR : Set the empty square color (default: #504945)
-r, --border COLOR : Set the square border color (default: #665C54)
-c, --colormap COLORS : Set the colormap (comma-separated, default: #458588,#689D6A,#98971A,#D79921,#D65D0E)
-d, --output-dir DIR : Set the output directory (default: .)
-f, --output-file FILE : Set the output file name (default: image_with_colored_squares.png)
-?, --help : Show help message
and a list of values from 0 to 100, i.e. 50 100 70 90 65


./gruvpaper/bin/gruvpaper \
  -d ./examples \
  -f example_2.png \
  -w 1920 \
  -h 1080 \
  -s 14 \
  -i 10 \
  -o 10 \
  -b "#32302F" \
  -e "#504945" \
  -r "#665C54" \
  -c "#458588,#689D6A,#98971A,#D79921,#D65D0E" \
  50 100 70 90 65

Dynamic wallpaper example with feh

#!/usr/bin/env bash

killall -q gruvpaper.sh

# Create the wallpaper directory if it doesn't exist

#Copy gruvpaper file (the one in /bin after compilation) to the desired location

# Create output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$output_dir"

calculate_log() {
    local value=$1
    echo "l($value+1)" | bc -l | awk '{print int($1)}'

calculate_exp() {
    local value=$1
    echo "e($value)" | bc -l | awk '{print int($1)}'

calculate_sqrt() {
    local value=$1
    echo "sqrt($value)" | bc -l | awk '{print int($1)}'

while [ true ]

  # Collect system metrics
  cpu_usage=$(grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage}')
  mem_usage=$(free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0}')
  load_average=$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1 * 100.0}')
  temperature=$(sensors | grep 'Tctl' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '+°C')
  task_count=$(ps aux | wc -l)

  # Apply transformations to avoid small numbers
  cpu_usage_exp=$(calculate_exp $cpu_usage)
  task_count_sqrt=$(calculate_sqrt $task_count)

  # Check if the values are valid
  if [[ -z $cpu_usage_exp || -z $mem_usage || -z $load_average || -z $temperature || -z $task_count_sqrt ]]; then
      echo "Error: One or more calculated log values are empty or invalid."
      exit 1

  #echo "CPU Usage : $cpu_usage_exp"
  #echo "Memory Usage : $mem_usage"
  #echo "Load Average : $load_average_exp"
  #echo "CPU Temp Log: $cpu_temp_log"
  #echo "Task Count sqrt: $task_count_sqrt"


  # Generate image with gruvpaper
  "$gruvpaper" \
    -d "$output_dir" \
    -f "$output_filename" \
    -w 1920 \
    -h 1080 \
    -s 14 \
    -i 10 \
    -o 50 \
    -b "#32302F" \
    -e "#504945" \
    -r "#665C54" \
    -c "#458588,#689D6A,#98971A,#D79921,#D65D0E" \
    $cpu_usage_exp $mem_usage $load_average $temperature $task_count_sqrt

    # Set wallpaper to the newly generated image (double screens)
		feh --bg-fill $output_dir/$output_filename --bg-fill $output_dir/$output_filename

    i=$(( ${i}*-1 ))
    sleep 2