
an API for a local animal shelter

Primary LanguageC#

_Animal Shelter API _

An ASP.NET API for a local animal shelter (version 1.0) , April 3, 2020_

By Fatma C. Dogan


An API project that allows users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete animals and lists the available animals at the shelter.

Specifications user stories

  1. A user is able to GET (read) a list of animals.
  2. A user is able to GET a specific animal information based on AnimalId.
  3. A user is able to GET animals by type, age or gender.
  4. A user is able to POST (create) a new animal in the database.
  5. A user is able to PUT (update) an existing animal information in the database.
  6. A user is able to DELETE an existing animal information in the database.
  7. A user is able to GET a random animal information.

API Endpoints

1. Get list of Animals

Only accepts requests that specify a version number (v1).


GET /animals/



    "animalId": 1,
    "name": "Alfie",
    "type": "Cat",
    "age": 7,
    "gender": "Male"
    "animalId": 2,
    "name": "Cheetah",
    "type": "Cat",
    "age": 6,
    "gender": "Female"

2. Get a specific Animal


GET /animals/id



    "animalId": 1,
    "name": "Alfie",
    "type": "Cat",
    "age": 7,
    "gender": "Male"

3. GET animals by type, age or gender


GET /animals/id



    "animalId": 2,
    "name": "Cheetah",
    "type": "Cat",
    "age": 6,
    "gender": "Female"

4. Create a new Animal


POST /animal/


Request body

  "animalId": 3,
  "name": "Spike",
  "type": "Ferret",
  "age": 2,
  "gender": "Female"

5. Edit an Animal's information


PUT /thing/id

PUT http://localhost:5000/api/v1/animals/3

Request Body

  "animalId": 3,
  "name": "Spike",
  "type": "Ferret",
  "age": 3,
  "gender": "Male"

6. Delete an Animal


DELETE /animals/id

DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/v1/animal/3


Status: 200 OK

7. Get a random Animal


GET /animals/random



  "animalId": 5,
  "name": "Leila",
  "type": "Dog",
  "age": 2,
  "gender": "Female"

8. Get a non-existent Animal


GET /animals/id



Status: 204 No Content


This application is equipped with Swagger. To testing this API, go to "http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html" in your browser while running the application. (apiVersion (1) is required.)

Setup/Installation Requirements

Install .NET Core

  • Download the .NET Core SDK Software Development Kit
  • Open the .Net Core SDK file and install
  • To confirm installation was successful, run the $ dotnet --version command in your terminal

Install MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench

on macOS:

_Download the MySQL Community Server DMG File MySQL Community Server page.

  • Follow along with the installer until you reach the configuration page. Once you've reached Configuration, set the following options (or user default if not specified):_ * use legacy password encryption * set password * click finish

  • Verify MySQL installation by opening Terminal and entering the command mysql -uroot -p{your password here}.
    You can exit the mysql program by entering exit.

_Download MySQL Workbench DMG file MySQL Workbench page.

  • Install MySQL Workbench to Applications folder.
  • Open MySQL Workbench and select Local instance 3306 server, then enter the password you set. If it connects, you're all set._

on Windows:

_Download the MySQL Web Installer MySQL Web Installer

  • Choose Custom setup type
  • When prompted to Select Products and Features, choose the following:
    • MySQL Server (Will be under MySQL Servers)
    • MySQL Workbench (Will be under Applications)
  • Select Next, then Execute. Wait for download and installation
  • Advance through Configuration as follows:
    • High Availability set to Standalone.
    • Defaults are OK under Type and Networking.
    • Authentication Method set to Use Legacy Authentication Method.
    • Set password to epicodus. You can use your own if you want but epicodus will be assumed in the lessons.
    • Unselect Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service.
  • Complete installation process

Add the MySQL environment variable to the System PATH. Instructions for Windows 10:

  • Open the Control Panel and visit System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables...
  • Select PATH..., click Edit..., then Add.
  • Add the exact location of your MySQL installation and click OK. (This location is likely C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, but may differ depending on your specific installation.)
  • Verify installation by opening Windows PowerShell and entering the command mysql -uroot -p{your password here}. It's working correctly if you gain access to the MySQL command line. You can exit the mysql program by entering exit

Download this repository

Download Manually:

In Terminal:

  • Navigate to where you want this application to be saved, i.e.:

    cd desktop
  • Clone the file from GitHub with HTTPS

    git clone https://github.com/fc-dogan/AnimalShelterAPI 
  • Open file in your preferred text editor

    cd AnimalShelterAPI
  • Change directories into the project directory

    cd AnimalShelterAPI/AnimalShelter
  • Restore all dependencies

     dotnet restore
  • Build the project and dependencies

    dotnet build

Create the Database

  • Build the database
    dotnet ef database update

To run this application:

  • Run the program

    dotnet run

    Note: To exit, simply press Ctrl + C

  • access the Swagger UI for testing this API

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .Net Core 2.2
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • MySQL, MySQL Workbench
  • Entity Framework Core 2.2
  • ASP.NET Core Razor 2.2
  • RestSharp
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • ASP.NET Core Mvc Versioning 3.1.1
  • Swagger
  • NSwag ASP.NET Core 13.3.0



Copyright (c) 2020 Fatma C. Dogan