
Up-to-date earth2.io data

Primary LanguagePython

Earth2.io Scraper

Up-to-date earth2.io data



  • earth2.io data (tile prices per country) is automatically scraped and hosted in this repo daily.
  • As an example, you can access to the scraped info of Italy (IT) for 20th February 2021 (20210220) at:


Consuming API

When your backend is in Python i.e. in Django/Flask/FastAPI, you can access the JSON file’s data as shown below:

import urllib.request, json

github_link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcakyon/earth2-scrapper/main/data/20210220/IT"

with urllib.request.urlopen(github_link) as url: 
   json_data = json.loads(url.read().decode())

And if you want data in JavaScript using JQuery/React, you can access the JSON file’s data as shown below:

let github_link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fcakyon/earth2-scrapper/main/data/20210219/IT";

$.getJSON(github_link, function(data) {
     //data is the JSON string