To start the app use Docker. It will start both frontend and backend, including all the relevant dependencies, and the db.
- Make sure you have docker installed (you can run "docker -v")
- Make sure you have yarn and a running version of MongoDB
- Have the latest LTS version of node
- Run npm install in both the backend and frontend folders to make sure you have all the necessary dependencies
- For the API ping and Register, I recommend using either just the browser or creating a collection on Postman for further testing
- Create a dotenv file on the backend folder ( ./backend/.env ) && set the PORT to 3000 and create a MONGODB_URI to connect to your local database
- Create a dotenv file on the frontend folder ( ./frontend/.env ) && set the PORT to 3001
- Make sure the ports in both frontend and backend are NOT the same
- Use the command "docker-compose up" on the root folder
Please find more info about each part in the relevant Readme file (frontend and backend).
When implementing a new feature or fixing a bug, please create a new pull request against main
from a feature/bug branch and add @vanessa-cooper
as reviewer.