1st step:

Add the ChakraUI Provider in index.js along with ReactBrowserRouter

2nd step:

Remove everything from App.js

3rd step:

Create Home Page Design (go to https://chakra-templates.dev/page-sections/hero)

4th Step:

Create the first route for the homePage

5th Step:

Edit the landing page and add the functionality to change route on the Get Started CTA

6th Step:

Create the users page and get all the users

7th Step:

Do the inital setup for useSWR (Create helper function in separate folder)

8th Step:

Handle the isLoading and isError state with components

9th Step:

Iterate over the users and display the name

10th Step:

Create a card to display the User information

11th Step:

Align everything in a row using grid (4, 1)

12th Step:

Create the User Details Page

13th Step:

With that page, create the logic to update the User

14th Step:

Add color mode (switch between dark and light mode as defaults)

15th Step:

Done :)