
Bamazon - a terminal-based store that sales pretty-much everything. The application has three access tiers: Customer, Manager and Supervisor. Customers can view items for sale and complete a purchase. Managers can oversee inventory. And Supervisors can view sales records by department. See the GitHub README.md file for a full description of what each login tier has the ability to do.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node SQL Storefront

This application records product inventory in a SQL database and prompts the user based on view selected.

This application has three views: Customer, Manager and Supervisor

  • The Customer view will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory.
  • The Manager view will list products for sale, list products with quantity below five, add to quantity of an existing product and add a new product.
  • The Supervisor view will display a summarized table of profits by department and the ability to create a new department.

Software/libraries used for this application:

JavaScript - for application logic
Node.js - to execute the application in the terminal (outside the browser)
mysql - Node.js driver for mysql
Inquirer.js - command-line user interface to prompt for and handle user input
colors.js - to style the Node.js application in the console

Install Node SQL Storefront:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Clone the node-sql-storefront repository
  3. Install the packages associated with this application
    npm install
  4. Enter the file name associated with the view type (see view type for file name)

Customer View Instructions:

In the terminal type the following command to start the Customer view:
node bamazonCustomer.js

The customer can:

  • View a list of products available for sale
  • Enter the Product ID number of the item you want to purchase
  • Then enter the quantity you want to purchase
    • The customer is notified if the quantity you enter is greater than what is currently in stock
  • The customer is notified when the purchase is completed and given the sales total

See Customer View Demo below to see a video demonstration

Manager View Instructions:

In the terminal type the following command to start the Manager view:
node bamazonCustomer.js

Manager view has the option to:

  1. View Products for Sale
  2. View Low Inventory
  3. Add to Inventory
  4. Add New Product
  5. Exit Menu

View Products for Sale displays a full inventory list

View Low Inventory displays an inventory list for products with stock quantity less than five

Instructions for Add to Inventory menu option:

  • Enter a Product ID number for the item you want to add quantity
  • Then enter the quantity

Instructions for Add New Product menu option:

  • Enter the product name you want to add
  • Choice a department name the new product pertain to
  • Enter the product's unit price
  • Enter the product's quantity

See Manager View Demo below to see a video demonstration

Supervisor View Instructions:

In the terminal type the following command to start the Manager view:
node bamazonSupervisor.js

Supervisor view has the option to:

  1. View Product Sales by Department
  2. Create New Department
  3. Exit Menu

View Product Sales by Department will display a summarized table of profits by department

Instructions for Create New Department menu option:

  • Enter the name of the new department
  • Enter the amount of the over-head costs

See Supervisor View Demo below to see a video demonstration

Video Demonstrations:

Customer View Video

Watch the video

Manager View Video

Watch the video

Supervisor View Video

Watch the video