

I created this project so that a user would be able to write, save, and delete multiple notes. This will help a user stay organized and on track of tasks that are needed to be completed. A user can reorganize the notes and also delete which ones they either finished or are no longer applicable. When a user clicks on the link to the notes page they are presented with their saved notes on the left hand side (titles) and a new note section on the right-hand column. A user inserts a title and text to their desired length (up to 500 characters). I learnt a lot about express.js and using GET/POST requests as well as different routes. I also learnt a lot about JSON and insomnia while building this application. I was also able to add the DELETE route so a user can delete a note they no longer want.


This project uses node.js, express.js, and stores notes with a unique id (uuid npm package) in a JSON file.


Start app by running npm start. Below is a screenshot example of deployed app.

alt text


Github: Heroku: Regarding Heroku, I am having troubles. Please check back later once bugs are resolved.