##Project Setup
- Install redis
- Download http://redis.io/download
- For Mac OS X use
$ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-3.0.1.tar.gz $ tar xzf redis-3.0.1.tar.gz $ cd redis-3.0.1 $ make
- Install Git
- Create GitHub account
- Fork repo
- Clone GIt repo to local workspace
- git clone git@github.com:<your_repo_name>/bilt.git
- Building Applications
- "mvn clean install" from /bilt directory to build all
- Maven 3.2.5 and up
To compile all
mvn clean compile
To test all
mvn test
To build application and test
mvn clean install
*Note: all commands assume repo directory for working dir
- docker
- Make sure to add the
directory to the list of directories that can be bind mounted into Docker containers, - Copy
to seed the database with defaults
To build all the targets:
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/bilt -w /bilt maven:3.3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean install
To run:
docker-compose up
*Note: This command will run using the cached docker images. You need to add --build to regenerate the docker images with new changes
docker-compose up --build
To run by service type - for example start up redis :
docker-compose up redis
To test basic CRUD for the data backend
docker-compose up data-rest-test
Swagger documentation:
Games services for getting and managing game data
docker-compose up service-games
Swagger documentation:
BILT Webapp that serves as front end for service consumption
docker-compose up webapp
Web UI
- Debugging
- export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y”
- Starting Applications
- Start redis
* Start reds from reds home dir
- under src/
- ./redis-server /redis.conf * (Optional) start up redis cli
- under src/
- ./redis-cli
- Starting bilt-data * mvn spring-boot:run
- Starting bilt-app * mvn spring-boot:run
- Starting bilt-webapp * mvn jetty:run
- REST endpoints on Swagger
- Using/Testing
- Open 2 browser windows to http://localhost:8080
- Click Connect
- Enter name … tmp until login is ready